
The filetypes module provides two key functions in the Data Catalog system. First, it enumerates over 700 distinct ways of storing structured information in a file, with each format assigned a distinct human-readable string identifier (i.e. RICHTEXT or JSON). Second, it provides a robust mechanism for identifying the format of a file using a combination of its name, binary signature, and in some cases, its contents.

Two methods of identification are currently implemented. The first is rules, which applies a collection of regular expressions to a filename to determine its type. This is very fast and doesn’t require physical access to the file. The second is mime, which uses the MIME classification system for file typing. The mime method can inspect file contents, and thus may only be used where there’s a guarantee of file access.

Only extension of the rules mechanism is covered here.

Add a file type

Add an entry to FILETYPES in following this template: ('LOG', 'Log file', ['.err$', '.out$', '.log$']).

The fields are, in order:

  • Label: This is the searchable ‘type’ in Data Catalog
  • Description: Human-readable definition of the file type
  • Patterns: List of one or more Python regular expressions for filename matching

Note that the rules are evaluated in order, with the first match being returned. This is fast, but one must be aware of ordering conflicts when adding new entries to FILETYPES

Test out the new rule, then open a pull request containing your improvements.

>>> filetypes.infer_filetype('captains.log')
AttrDict({'label': 'LOG', 'comment': 'Log file'})
>>> assert 'LOG' in filetypes.listall_labels()
>>> filetypes.validate_label('LOG')

Update a file type

Change the matching patterns in the select member of FILETYPES. Test the new behavior as outlined in the section above on adding a new type, then open a pull request containing your improvements.