Source code for datacatalog.filetypes.mime

import stat
from xdg import Mime
from .filetype import to_file_type, FileType, FileTypeError
from .unknown import UnknownFileType

except Exception:

[docs]def infer(filename): """Infer the FileType for a file by MIME classifier Args: filename (str): An absolute file path Returns: FileType: What kind of file it is """ mime = get_type_optimized(filename) # print('MIME', mime) if str(mime) == 'application/octet-stream': return UnknownFileType else: return to_file_type(mimetype=mime)
[docs]def listall(): """Get all FileTypes defined by the FreeDesktop MIME database Returns: list: Multiple FileType objects """ alltypes = list() for t in Mime.types.items(): alltypes.append(to_file_type(mimetype=t[1])) return alltypes
[docs]def get_type_optimized(path, follow=False): mtypes = sorted(Mime.globs.all_matches(path), key=(lambda x: x[1]), reverse=True) if mtypes: max_weight = mtypes[0][1] i = 1 for mt, w in mtypes[1:]: if w < max_weight: break i += 1 mtypes = mtypes[:i] if len(mtypes) == 1: return mtypes[0][0] possible = [mt for mt, w in mtypes] else: possible = None # Break if we have a named-based candidate if mtypes: return mtypes[0][0] t = None try: t = Mime.magic.match(path, possible=possible) except IOError: t = None if t: return t elif mtypes: return mtypes[0][0] else: return Mime.text if Mime.is_text_file(path) else Mime.octet_stream