Source code for datacatalog.formats.converter

import json
import os
import sys
import inspect
import csv
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from shutil import copyfile
from jsonschema import validate, FormatChecker, ValidationError
from ..tenancy import Projects
# from .runner import convert_file

[docs]class ConversionError(Exception): """Something happened that prevented conversion of the target document""" pass
[docs]class formatChecker(FormatChecker): """A simple JSON format validator""" def __init__(self): FormatChecker.__init__(self)
[docs]class Converter(object): """Base class implementing a document converter""" VERSION = '0.0.0' FILENAME = 'baseclass' # Implementing subclasses should override projects = Projects.sync() PROJECT = projects.SD2.tacc_name TENANT = projects.SD2.tenant def __init__(self, schemas=[], targetschema=None, options={}, reactor=None): # Discover the default input schema HERE = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)) PARENT = os.path.dirname(HERE) schema_path = os.path.join(PARENT, 'schema.json') # Input schema(s) # FIXME move to a single schema definition per class self.schemas = [schema_path] = type(self).__name__ if isinstance(schemas, str): if os.path.exists(str): self.schemas.append(str) else: raise OSError('schema file {} not found'.format(str)) else: for s in schemas: if os.path.exists(s): self.schemas.append(s) else: raise OSError('schema file {} not found'.format(str)) # Default output schema if targetschema is None: self.targetschema = { "$ref" : "" } else: self.targetschema = targetschema self.options = options self.reactor = reactor # Schema metadata setattr(self, 'filename', self.FILENAME) setattr(self, 'version', self.VERSION) setattr(self, 'project', self.PROJECT) setattr(self, 'tenant', self.TENANT)
[docs] def convert(self, input_fp, output_fp=None, verbose=True, config={}, enforce_validation=True): """Convert between formats This is a pass-through method that invokes a runner script Args: input_fp (str): Path to input file output_fp (str): Path to output file verbose (bool, optional): Print verbose output while running config (dict, optional): Generic configuration object enforce_validation (bool, optional): Whether to force validation of outputs Returns: bool: Whether the conversion succeeeded """ # Import lazily because of the SBH requirement from .runner import convert_file return convert_file(self.targetschema, input_fp, output_path=output_fp, verbose=verbose, config=config, enforce_validation=enforce_validation)
[docs] def test(self, input_fp, output_fp, verbose=True, config={}): """Smoketest method to see if Converter discovery is working Returns: True """ return True
[docs] def validate_input(self, input_fp, encoding, permissive=False): """Validate a generic input file against schemas known to Converter Parameters: input_fp (str): path to the validation target file Arguments: permissive (bool): whether to return False on failure to validate Raises: ConversionError: Raised when schema or target can't be loaded ValidationError: Raised when validation fails Returns: boolean: True on success """ # set encoding self.encoding = encoding # JSON Path if input_fp.endswith(".json"): try: with open(input_fp, 'r', encoding=encoding) as jsonfile: jsondata = json.load(jsonfile) except Exception as exc: raise ConversionError('Failed to load {} for validation'.format(input_fp), exc) # Iterate through our schemas validation_errors = [] for schema_path in self.schemas: try: with open(schema_path) as schema: schema_json = json.loads( except Exception as e: raise ConversionError( 'Failed to load schema for validation', e) try: validate(jsondata, schema_json, format_checker=formatChecker()) return True except ValidationError as v: validation_errors.append(v) pass except Exception as e: raise ConversionError(e) # If we have not returned True, all schemas failed if permissive: return False else: raise ValidationError(validation_errors) #XLSX PATH elif input_fp.endswith(".xlsx"): try: # load all sheets wb = load_workbook(input_fp, read_only=True) except Exception as exc: raise ConversionError('Failed to load {} for validation'.format(input_fp), exc) # Iterate through our schemas validation_errors = [] for schema_path in self.schemas: try: with open(schema_path) as schema: schema_json = json.loads( except Exception as e: wb.close() raise ConversionError( 'Failed to load schema for validation', e) try: # pull headers from schema and check schema_properties = schema_json["properties"] if "xlsx" in schema_properties and schema_properties["xlsx"] and "headers" in schema_properties: header_values_list = schema_properties["headers"]["oneOf"] for header_values in header_values_list: enum_values = [enum_item["enum"][0] for enum_item in header_values["items"]] for sheetname in wb.sheetnames: ws = wb[sheetname] rows = ws.iter_rows(min_row=1, max_row=1) first_row = next(rows) excel_headers = [c.value for c in first_row] valid = all([header in excel_headers for header in enum_values]) if valid: return valid except Exception as e: wb.close() raise ConversionError(e) wb.close() # If we have not returned True, all schemas failed if permissive: return False else: raise ValidationError(validation_errors) #CSV PATH elif input_fp.endswith(".csv"): try: input_fp_csvreader = csv.reader(open(input_fp)) except Exception as exc: raise ConversionError('Failed to load {} for validation'.format(input_fp), exc) # Iterate through our schemas validation_errors = [] for schema_path in self.schemas: try: with open(schema_path) as schema: schema_json = json.loads( except Exception as e: raise ConversionError( 'Failed to load schema for validation', e) try: # pull headers from schema and check schema_properties = schema_json["properties"] if "csv" in schema_properties and schema_properties["csv"] and "headers" in schema_properties: header_values_list = schema_properties["headers"]["oneOf"] for header_values in header_values_list: enum_values = [enum_item["enum"][0] for enum_item in header_values["items"]] for row in input_fp_csvreader: csv_headers = row valid = all([header in csv_headers for header in enum_values]) if valid: return valid break except Exception as e: raise ConversionError(e) # If we have not returned True, all schemas failed if permissive: return False else: raise ValidationError(validation_errors)
[docs] def validate(self, output_fp, permissive=False): """Validate a file against schemas known to Converter Parameters: output_fp (str): path to the validation target file Note: Yes, this is redundant with validate_input() Arguments: permissive (bool): whether to return False on failure to validate Raises: ValidationError: Raised when validation fails Returns: boolean: True on success """ try: with open(output_fp, 'r') as jsonfile: jsondata = json.load(jsonfile) except Exception as exc: raise ValidationError( 'Unable to load {} for validation'.format(output_fp), exc) try: with open(self.targetschema) as schema: schema_json = json.loads( except Exception as e: raise ValidationError('Unable to load schema for validation', e) try: validate(jsondata, schema_json, format_checker=formatChecker()) return True except ValidationError as v: if permissive: return False else: raise ValidationError('Schema validation failed', v) except Exception as e: raise ValidationError(e)
[docs] def get_schema(self): """Pass-through to ``get_classifier_schema()``""" return self.get_classifier_schema()
[docs] def get_classifier_schema(self): """Get the JSON schema that Converter is using for classification Raises: ConversionError: Returned on all Exceptions Returns: dict: JSON schema in dictionary form """ # Return the classifier schema as a Python object schema_fp = getattr(self, 'schemas', [])[0] try: with open(schema_fp, 'r') as jsonfile: return json.load(jsonfile) except Exception as exc: raise ConversionError('Failed to load {}'.format(schema_fp), exc)