
Essential details of a computation workflow are represented in a Pipeline comprised of static software components and parameterizations. The invocation of a pipeline, complete with linkages to experimental metadata, inputs, and run-time parameterization is represented in a PipelineJob.

Creation, management, and metadata resolution of Pipelines and PipelineJobs is implemented in the python-datacatalog library (this codebase) which is operated by interlinked Abaco Reactors collectively known as the PipelineJobs System. These Reactors write and mantain records and linkages in the MongoDB databases that form the Data Catalog. They are documented in Manager Reactors.


Each PipelineJob is an entry in the Data Catalog jobs collection representing one and only one combination of:

  • Specific pipeline
  • Linkage to specific measurements
  • Run-time parameterizations

This design ensures that any given combination of these values will always be associated with a distinct set of output files (i.e. sequence alignments, CSVs, data frames, PDF reports, etc.). This design permits a strong guarantee that those results can always be specifically accessed and referred to in the future, whether by human-led or automated processes.

Job Lifecycle

A PipelineJob has a defined set of states transitions between during key stages of the analytics lifecycle. Such transitions occur when by way of events, as illustrated here:

PipelineJob State Machine

These states and events are described in detail in the tables below (in approximately chronological order).


State Description
CREATED Job inputs and configuration has been defined
RUNNING Job is actively processing data
FAILED Job did not complete successfully
FINISHED Job has completed processing and outputs are archived
INDEXING Job outputs are being associated with project metadata
VALIDATING Job outputs are being assessed for correctness
VALIDATED Job outputs were determined to be correct
REJECTED Job outputs are invalid and should not be used
FINALIZED Job outputs are validated and ready for general use
RETIRED Job and outputs should no longer be used
RESET Job and outputs are being reset for another run


Event Description
create Create a new job
run Mark the job as “running”
update Append an information item to the job history
resource Note resource marshalling activity in the job history
fail Permanently mark the job as failed
finish Mark the job as complete
index Index the job outputs
indexed Mark that the indexing task is complete
validate Mark the job as under validation
validated Mark that validation has completed
finalize Mark the job and its outputs as suitable for use
reject Mark the job and its outputs as unsuitable for use
retire Mark job and its outputs as retired/deprecated
reset Begin to reset the job, erasing archive_path contents
ready Complete the reset process, allowing job to be re-run

Job Schema

A PipelineJob has four _core_ properties:

  • data The run-time parameterization of the pipeline
  • history Chronological history of state-change event
  • state Current state of the job
  • uuid UUID5 hashed from the pipeline_uuid and job data

It also has four relationship linkages to other assets in the Data Catalog. These are actively maintained and curated by the PipelineJobs System.

  • generated_by The UUID of a Pipeline that performed the work
  • child_of UUID(s) of measurements analysed by the job.
  • acted_on Members of the file collection processed by the job
  • acted_using Members of the references collection used by the job


PipelineJobs are always linked via generated_by to Pipelines.