The critical type of identifier for Data Caalog is TypedUUID, which is an uuid.UUID5 where the initial three bytes of the UUID denote its type in the overall DataCatalog schema. Typed UUIDS are not, as a rule, random or incremental values. They are usually a hash of one more more text strings that uniquely identify a Data Catalog record, transformed with a defined UUID3 DNS namespace.

Here are a couple of examples to illustrate:

  • 114be7a5-d923-5039-95aa-d9d3d298061a == experiment design YeastSTATES-gRNA-Seq-Diagnosis
  • 10340ded-b06e-5d91-95dd-8533755ed48c == sample sample.transcriptic.aq1bsxp36447z6

TypedUUID Types

Type Prefix Description
generic 100 Generic Data Catalog Record
challenge_problem 101 Challenge Problem
experiment_design 114 Experiment Design or Request
experiment 102 Experiment
sample 103 Sample
measurement 104 Measurement
file 105 File Metadata
fixity 116 File Fixity
pipeline 106 Pipeline
pipelinejob 107 PipelineJob
pipelinejob_event 108 PipelineJob Event
process 117 Named Computational Process
reference 109 Named Reference File or URI
product 110 Output from a PipelineJob
upload 111 Uploaded File
annotation 118 User-contributed Free-text Annotation
inline_annotation 119 Machine-generated Free-text Annotation
dashboard 121 Redash Dashboard
query 120 Redash Query
input_classifier 115 Input File Classifier
tag_annotation 122 Tag Annotation
text_annotation 123 Text Annotation
association 124 Annotation Association
structured_request 125 Structured Experiment Request


For details, please consult the datacatalog.identifiers.typeduuid API documentation.