MongoDB Views

The Data Catalog MongoDB features several views, which are read-only, live- updated collections matching a specific query. The production views are maintained under source control in the python-datacatalog repository. Because the views manifest JSON documents, they are integrated with the project schema’s namespace and build system. This makes it possible to colloboratively update the views and define the schema of their expected outputs.

Add a new view

Follow the template established by the submodules under datacatalog.views. View names are inferred from the submodule name unless specified by MONGODB_VIEW_NAME. The human-readable description used in documentation is defined by DESCRIPTION and defaults to View on {source_collection}. A point-of-contact email address is specified by AUTHOR and defaults to the Agave API tenant admin email if not specified.

Test using your local MongoDB installation
$ python -m bootstrap.manage_views -localhost
$ make bootstrap-views DB_ENV="localhost"
Deploy to staging (requires proper authorization)
$ python -m bootstrap.manage_views -staging
$ make bootstrap-views DB_ENV="staging"
Deploy to production (requires proper authorization)
$ python -m bootstrap.manage_views -production
$ make bootstrap-views DB_ENV="production"

Update a view

Edit the aggregation.json file in the view you wish to update. Test that it works as intended by deploying your view to localhost, then staging, then request it to be deployed on production.


It is possible that a specific view simply cannot be computed in real time, due to query complexity or large response size. This limitation can be mitigated by contributing to the datacatalog-aggregations repository, which automates creation and cron-scheduled maintenance of static collections based on aggregations, but which can also include indexes.