Source code for datacatalog.jsonschemas.objects.pjso

    import python_jsonschema_objects as pjs
    AVAILABLE = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    AVAILABLE = False

import cloudpickle
import inflection
import json
import os
import requests
import six
import time
import warnings
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from jsonschema.exceptions import RefResolutionError
from tenacity import (retry, retry_if_exception_type, stop_after_delay,
                      stop_after_attempt, wait_random)
from datacatalog import settings
from . import cache

__all__ = ['AVAILABLE', 'PjsCacheMiss', 'get_class_object',
           'get_class_object_from_dict', 'get_class_object_from_file',

[docs]class PjsCacheMiss(Exception): """Raised when a class object could not be loaded from its cache file """ pass
def __normalized_classname(classname): return classname.title() def classname_from_long_title(schema_title): # Implementation source: # python_jsonschema_objects/ return inflection.camelize(inflection.parameterize( six.text_type(schema_title), '_')) def name_from_long_title(schema_title): return inflection.parameterize(six.text_type(schema_title), '_').lower() def title_from_schema(schema_dict): if 'title' in schema_dict: return schema_dict.get('title') elif '$id' in schema_dict: return schema_dict.get('$id') else: return schema_dict.get('id') def cache_filename(classname, cache_dir=None): return os.path.join( cache.cache_directory(cache_dir), __normalized_classname(classname) + cache.CACHE_FILE_SUFFIX) def fetch_class_object_from_cache(classname, cache_dir=None): cache.init_cache(cache_dir) cfn = cache_filename(classname, cache_dir=cache_dir) try: if not os.path.exists(cfn): raise PjsCacheMiss('Cache file not present') warnings.warn('Cache {} absent'.format(classname)) file_age = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(cfn) if file_age > cache.MAX_CACHE_AGE_SECONDS: raise PjsCacheMiss('Cache file found but was too old') warnings.warn('Cache {} expired'.format(classname)) cache_file = open(cfn, 'rb') try: classobj = cloudpickle.load(cache_file) return classobj except Exception: raise PjsCacheMiss('Cache file not loadable') except Exception: raise def __write_class_object_to_cache(classobj, classname, cache_dir=None): cache.init_cache(cache_dir) cfn = cache_filename(classname, cache_dir=cache_dir) cache_file = open(cfn, 'wb') cloudpickle.dump(classobj, cache_file) cache_file.close() return True
[docs]def get_class_object(schema_dict, classname=None, use_cache=True): return get_class_object_from_dict( schema_dict, classname=classname, use_cache=use_cache)
[docs]def get_class_object_from_dict(schema, classname=None, cache_dir=None, use_cache=True): """Instantiate a Python class from a dict Args: schema (dict): A dict containing a JSON schema document classname (str, optional): Name of the instantiated class to return. Optional if only one class is defined by the schema document. Returns: class: A Python class named after and defined by the schema document """ if not AVAILABLE: raise NotImplementedError( 'The "python-jsonschema-objects" module is not available') if classname is None: actual_classname = classname_from_long_title(schema.get('title')) else: actual_classname = classname if use_cache: try: return fetch_class_object_from_cache( actual_classname, cache_dir=cache_dir) except PjsCacheMiss: pass builder = pjs.ObjectBuilder(schema) ns = builder.build_classes(named_only=True, strict=True) try: clsobj = getattr(ns, actual_classname) try: if use_cache: __write_class_object_to_cache( clsobj, actual_classname, cache_dir=cache_dir) except Exception: warnings.warn( 'Failed to write {} to JsonschemaClassObjects cache') return clsobj except AttributeError: raise ValueError( 'No class {} was found. Currently known options are {}'.format( classname, ', '.join(dir(ns))))
[docs]def get_class_object_from_file(schema_file, classname=None, use_cache=True): """Instantiate a Python class object from a JSONschema file Args: schema_file (str): Path to a file holding a JSONschema document classname (str, optional): Name of the instantiated class to return. Optional if only one class is defined by the schema document. Returns: class: A Python class named after and defined by the schema """ schema_dict = json.load(open(schema_file, 'r')) actual_classname = classname_from_long_title( title_from_schema(schema_dict)) return get_class_object_from_dict( schema_dict, classname=actual_classname, use_cache=use_cache)
[docs]@retry(retry=retry_if_exception_type(RefResolutionError), stop=(stop_after_delay(15) | stop_after_attempt(5)), wait=wait_random(min=1, max=3), reraise=True) def get_class_object_from_uri(schema_uri, classname=None, use_cache=True): """Instantiate a Python class object from a JSONschema URI Args: schema_uri (str): URI for a JSONschema document classname (str, optional): Name of the instantiated class to return. Optional if only one class is defined by the schema document. Returns: class: A Python class named after and defined by the schema """ resp = requests.get(schema_uri, allow_redirects=True, timeout=1) resp.raise_for_status() schema_dict = resp.json() actual_classname = classname_from_long_title( title_from_schema(schema_dict)) return get_class_object_from_dict( schema_dict, classname=actual_classname, use_cache=use_cache)