Source code for datacatalog.jsonschemas.schema

import arrow
import json
from os import environ
from datacatalog import settings
from ..utils import camel_to_snake
from . import (constants, version)
from .objects import get_class_object

[docs]class JSONSchemaBaseObject(object): """Interface to JSON schema plus datacatalog-specific extensions""" COLLECTION = 'generic' VERSION = version.TEXT_VERSION BASEREF = constants.BASEURL JSONSCHEMA_SPEC = constants.SPECIFICATION DELETE_FIELD = settings.MONGO_DELETE_FIELD INDENT = 4 SORT_KEYS = True PARAMS = [('schema', False, 'schema', JSONSCHEMA_SPEC, '$'), ('comment', False, 'comment', '', '$'), ('id', False, 'id', '', '$'), ('definitions', False, 'definitions', None, ''), ('title', False, 'title', None, ''), ('description', False, 'description', None, ''), ('additionalProperties', False, 'additionalProperties', False, ''), ('type', False, 'type', 'object', ''), ('items', False, 'items', None, ''), ('oneOf', False, 'oneOf', None, ''), ('properties', False, 'properties', None, ''), ('required', False, 'required', None, ''), ('pattern', False, 'pattern', None, ''), ('enum', False, 'enum', None, ''), ('format', False, 'format', None, ''), ('examples', False, 'examples', None, ''), ('_filename', False, '_filename', 'baseobject', ''), ('_snake_case', False, '_snake_case', True, ''), ('_collection', False, '__collection', None, ''), ('_indexes', False, '__indexes', None, ''), ('_identifiers', False, '__identifiers', None, ''), ('_uuid_type', False, '__uuid_type', 'generic', ''), ('_uuid_fields', False, '__uuid_fields', 'id', ''), (DELETE_FIELD, False, DELETE_FIELD, True, '')] def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, mandatory, param, default, keyfix in self.PARAMS: try: value = (kwargs[param] if mandatory else kwargs.get(param, default)) except KeyError: raise KeyError( 'parameter "{}" is mandatory'.format(param)) if value is not None: setattr(self, key, value) self.update_id()
[docs] def update_id(self): """Dynamically builds ``schema.$id`` Transforms ``self._filename`` into a URL in the current namespace. """ temp_fname = getattr(self, '_filename') if self._snake_case: temp_fname = camel_to_snake(temp_fname) schema_id = self.BASEREF + temp_fname schema_id = schema_id.lower() if not schema_id.endswith('.json'): schema_id = schema_id + '.json' setattr(self, 'id', schema_id)
[docs] def update_comment(self): """Dynamically populate ``schema.$comment`` Combines existing comment with date, rep URL, and git commit hash """ if settings.SCHEMA_NO_COMMENT is False: # Dynamically loade since it's expensive to check for git from ..githelpers import get_sha1_short, get_remote_uri # Build up a descriptive $comment for each schema document comments = list() comments.append('version: {}'.format(self.VERSION)) comments.append('generated: {}'.format( arrow.utcnow().format(settings.DATE_FORMAT))) try: # If we are able to resolve a git reference short_hash = get_sha1_short() remote = get_remote_uri() comments.append('source: {}@{}'.format(remote, short_hash)) except Exception: pass comment_string = '; '.join(comments) setattr(self, 'comment', comment_string)
[docs] def to_dict(self, private_prefix='_', **kwargs): """Render the schema as a ``dict`` Private keys are filtered. """ my_dict = dict() for key, mandatory, param, default, keyfix in self.PARAMS: fullkey = keyfix + key if not key.startswith(private_prefix) and default is not None: my_dict[fullkey] = getattr(self, param, None) for key in self.__dict__: refkey = '$' + key if not key.startswith(private_prefix): if refkey not in my_dict: my_dict[key] = getattr(self, key, None) return my_dict
[docs] def to_jsonschema(self, **kwargs): """Render the schema as a JSON-formatted string """ self.update_comment() my_json = json.dumps(self.to_dict(**kwargs), indent=self.INDENT, sort_keys=self.SORT_KEYS) return my_json
[docs] def get_class(self, classname=None): return get_class_object(self.to_dict(), classname=classname)