Source code for

import os
import sys
import inspect
import json
import copy
import datetime
import base64

from pprint import pprint
from slugify import slugify
import pymongo
from pymongo.database import Database

from datacatalog import settings
from datacatalog import linkages
from datacatalog import logger

from ...dicthelpers import data_merge, flatten_dict, linearize_dict
from ...identifiers.typeduuid import catalog_uuid, get_uuidtype
from ...jsonschemas import JSONSchemaBaseObject, JSONSchemaCollection
from ...mongo import db_connection, ReturnDocument, UUID_SUBTYPE, ASCENDING, DuplicateKeyError
from ...stores import StorageSystem, ManagedStores, PathMappings
from ...tokens import generate_salt, get_token, validate_token, validate_admin_token
from ...utils import time_stamp, current_time, msec_precision

from .admin import admin_template
from .diff import get_diff
from .exceptions import (CatalogError, CatalogQueryError,
                         CatalogUpdateFailure, CatalogDataError,
from .extensible import ExtensibleAttrDict
from .heritableschema import DocumentSchema, HeritableDocumentSchema
from .heritableschema import formatChecker, DateTimeEncoder
from .linkmanager import LinkageManager
from .merge import json_merge
from .mongomerge import pre_merge_filter
from .record import Record

from . import managedfields
from . import strategies

__all__ = ['LinkedStore', 'StoreInterface', 'DocumentSchema',
           'HeritableDocumentSchema', 'CatalogError', 'CatalogUpdateFailure',
           'CatalogQueryError', 'DuplicateKeyError', 'time_stamp',
           'msec_precision', 'validate_token',
           'validate_admin_token', 'linkages']


[docs]class LinkedStore(LinkageManager): """JSON-schema informed MongoDB document store with diff-based logging If the class has public attributes, they may be documented here in an ``Attributes`` section and follow the same formatting as a function's ``Args`` section. Alternatively, attributes may be documented inline with the attribute's declaration (see __init__ method below). Properties created with the ``@property`` decorator should be documented in the property's getter method. Attributes: _mongodb (dict): MongoDB connection details coll (str): MongoDB collection for documents db (:obj:`dict`): Active MongoDB connection debug (bool): Description of `attr1`. logcoll (str): MongoDB collection for update log session (str): Description of `attr1` name (str): Human-readable name of the store's JSON schema schema (obj:`dict`): A JSON schema document schema_name (str): Filename for use by inter-schema references identifiers (list): Ordered list of keys that can be used to uniquely retrieve documents in this schema uuid_type (str): The specific type of TypedUUID mapped from identifiers uuid_fields (list): Ordered list of keys used to compose a typed UUID """ LINK_FIELDS = DEFAULT_LINK_FIELDS """Allowed linkage types for this LinkedStore""" MANAGED_FIELDS = DEFAULT_MANAGED_FIELDS """Fields in this LinkedStore that are managed solely by the framework""" READONLY_FIELDS = LINK_FIELDS + MANAGED_FIELDS """Additional fields that are read-only in this LinkedStore""" PROPERTIES_TEMPLATE = {'_properties': {'created_date': None, 'revision': 0, 'modified_date': None}} """Template for a properties subdocument""" TOKEN_FIELDS = ('uuid', '_admin') """Default set of keys used to issue update tokens""" MERGE_DICT_OPTS = ('left', 'right', 'replace') """Set of valid strategies for merging dictionaries""" MERGE_LIST_OPTS = ('append', 'replace') """Set of valid strategies for merging lists""" LINKAGE_POLICIES = ('extend', 'replace') """Set of valid strategies for updating document linkages""" NEVER_INDEX_FIELDS = ('data') """Fields that should never be indexed""" LOG_JSONDIFF_UPDATES = settings.LOG_UPDATES """Field used to mark a record as deleted""" DELETE_FIELD = settings.MONGO_DELETE_FIELD def __init__(self, mongodb, config={}, session=None, **kwargs): self.logger = logger.get_logger(__name__, verbose=settings.LOG_VERBOSE) self.debug = settings.DEBUG_MODE self.session = session """Optional correlation string for interlinked events """ self._enforce_auth = False """Require valid update token to edit document""" # MongoDB setup self._mongodb = mongodb """Connection object for MongoDB """ self.db = None """Name of MongoDB database housing this LinkedStore """ self.coll = None """Name of MongoDB collection housing this LinkedStore """ self.logcoll = None """Name of MongoDB collection housing the general update log """ # setup based on schema extended properties self.schema_name = None """Canonical filename for the document's JSON schema """ self.schema = None """Dictionary containing the LinkedStore's object schema """ self.document_schema = None """Dictionary containing the LinkedStore's full document schema """ self.identifiers = None """List of identifying keys for this LinkedStore """ self.otherindexes = None """Indexed fields defined in schema.json """ = None """Human-readable name of the LinkedStore schema """ self.uuid_type = None """Named type for this LinkedStore """ self.uuid_fields = None """List of keys that are rolled into the document's UUID """ schema = HeritableDocumentSchema(**kwargs) self.update_attrs(schema) # FIXME Integration with Agave configurations can be improved self.agave_system = settings.STORAGE_SYSTEM # self.base = StorageSystem(self.agave_system).root_dir = ManagedStores.prefixes_for_level('0')[0] # Initialize # self._post_init()
[docs] def setup(self, update_indexes=False): """Set up the MongoDB collection that houses data for the LinkedStore""" if isinstance(self._mongodb, Database): setattr(self, 'db', self._mongodb) else: setattr(self, 'db', db_connection(self._mongodb)) setattr(self, 'coll', self.db[]) setattr(self, 'logcoll', self.db['updates']) # Index on identifiers must be unique UNIQUE_INDEXES = getattr(self, 'identifiers') LINKAGE_INDEXES = self.LINK_FIELDS OTHER_INDEXES = getattr(self, 'otherindexes') ALL_INDEXES = list() # Optionally, update index definitions. try: # Build indexes for the identifiers, where uniqueness is enforced for field in UNIQUE_INDEXES: if field not in self.NEVER_INDEX_FIELDS: if update_indexes: self.coll.create_index([(field, ASCENDING)], unique=True, sparse=True) ALL_INDEXES.append(field) # Create array indexes for linkage fields for field in LINKAGE_INDEXES: if field not in self.NEVER_INDEX_FIELDS: if update_indexes: self.coll.create_index([(field, ASCENDING)]) ALL_INDEXES.append(field) # Create simple indexes on the non-redundant list of fields from # schema.__indexes and schema.required, excluding fields # marked as identifiers or uuid-contributing fields for field in OTHER_INDEXES: if field not in self.NEVER_INDEX_FIELDS: if update_indexes: self.coll.create_index([(field, ASCENDING)]) ALL_INDEXES.append(field) setattr(self, '_indexes', list(set(ALL_INDEXES))) # Contains names of all indexed fields - useful for validation except Exception: self.logger.warn('Unable to reconfigure indexes') pass
[docs] def update_attrs(self, schema): """Updates LinkedStore with values in loaded schema This is used to allow the schema to be patched or amended at runtime Args: schema (dict): A JSON schema documented loaded into a dict """ setattr(self, 'name', schema.get_collection()) setattr(self, 'schema', schema.to_dict()) setattr(self, 'document_schema', schema.to_dict(document=True)) setattr(self, 'schema_name', schema.get_filename()) setattr(self, 'identifiers', schema.get_identifiers()) setattr(self, 'required', schema.get_required()) setattr(self, 'uuid_fields', schema.get_uuid_fields()) setattr(self, 'uuid_type', schema.get_uuid_type()) otherindexes = schema.get_indexes() otherindexes.extend(getattr(self, 'identifiers')) otherindexes.extend(getattr(self, 'required')) otherindexes = sorted(list( set(otherindexes) - set(getattr(self, 'identifiers')))) # sys.exit(0) setattr(self, 'otherindexes', otherindexes) return self
[docs] def get_identifiers(self): """Returns names of keys whose values will be distinct""" fields = getattr(self, 'identifiers') return fields
[docs] def get_indexes(self): """Returns names of fields indexed by this store""" ids = self.get_identifiers() idss = set(ids) lf = set(self.LINK_FIELDS) f = set(getattr(self, '_indexes')) fields = sorted(list(f - idss - lf)) ids.extend(fields) return ids
[docs] def get_required(self): """Returns names of keys required by this document class""" return getattr(self, 'required')
[docs] def get_uuid_type(self): """Returns UUID type for docuemnts managed by this LinkedStore""" return getattr(self, 'uuid_type')
[docs] def get_uuid_fields(self): """Returns keys used by this LinkedStore to issue a typed UUID""" return getattr(self, 'uuid_fields')
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Returns non-private keys implemented by this LinkedStore""" ids = self.get_identifiers() idss = set(ids) lf = set(self.LINK_FIELDS) af = set(['_admin', '_properties', '_salt', self.DELETE_FIELD]) f = set(list(getattr(self, 'schema', {}).get('properties').keys())) fields = sorted(list(f - idss - lf - af)) ids.extend(fields) return ids
[docs] def get_token_fields(self, record_dict): """Get values for issuing a document's update token The fields used to define an update token are set in TOKEN_FIELDS. This method fetches values from those fields and returns as a list. Args: record_dict (dict): Contents of the document from which to extract values Returns: list: List of values from keys matching `TOKEN_FIELDS` """ token_fields = list() for key in self.TOKEN_FIELDS: if key in record_dict: token_fields.append(record_dict.get(key)) return token_fields
[docs] def query(self, query={}, projection=None, attr_dict=False, limit=None, skip=None, attr_filters={'private_prefix': '_', 'filters': []}): """Query the LinkedStore MongoDB collection and return a Cursor Args: query (dict): An object describing a MongoDB query projection (dict): An object describing a MongoDB projection filters (dict): {private_prefix': '_', filters: []} """ extra_args = dict() try: if not isinstance(query, dict): query = json.loads(query) except Exception as exc: raise CatalogError('Query was not resolvable as dict', exc) if projection is not None: if isinstance(projection, dict): proj = projection elif isinstance(projection, str): proj = json.loads(projection) else: raise CatalogError('Projection not resolvable as a dict') # All went well - add a projection keyword argument extra_args['projection'] = proj if limit is not None: extra_args['limit'] = limit if skip is not None: extra_args['skip'] = skip try: result = self.coll.find(query, **extra_args).sort( '_properties.created_date', pymongo.ASCENDING) if attr_dict is False: return result else: filtered_result = list() for r in result: filtered_result.append( ExtensibleAttrDict(r).as_dict(**attr_filters)) return filtered_result except Exception as exc: raise CatalogError('Query failed', exc)
[docs] def find_one_by_uuid(self, uuid): """Find and return a LinkedStore document by its typed UUID Args: uuid (str): The UUID to search for Raises: CatalogError: Raised when query fails due to an error or invalid value Returns: dict: Object containing the LinkedStore document """ try: self.logger.debug('find_one_by_uuid: {}'.format(uuid)) query = {'uuid': uuid} return self.coll.find_one(query) except Exception as exc: raise CatalogError('Query failed for uuid'.format(uuid), exc)
[docs] def find_one_by_identifier(self, identifier): for i in self.get_identifiers(): query = {i: identifier} resp = self.coll.find_one(query) if resp is not None: return resp raise CatalogError('No such identifier: {}'.format(identifier))
[docs] def find_one_by_id(self, **kwargs): """Find and return a LinkedStore document by any of its identifiers Examples: `resp = find_one_by_id(name='uniquename')` `resp = find_one_by_id(uuid='105bf45a-6282-5e8c-8651-6a0ff78a3741')` `resp = find_one_by_id(id='lab.sample.12345')` Raises: CatalogError: Raised when query fails due to an error or invalid value Returns: dict: Object containing the LinkedStore document """ try: resp = None for identifier in self.get_identifiers(): self.logger.debug('find_one_by_id: {}'.format(identifier)) query = dict() try: query[identifier] = kwargs.get(identifier, None) except KeyError: pass if query[identifier] is not None: resp = self.coll.find_one(query) if resp is not None: break return resp except Exception as exc: raise CatalogError('Query failed', exc)
[docs] def get_typeduuid(self, payload, binary=False): if isinstance(payload, dict): self.logger.debug('get_typeduuid received dict') identifier_string = self.get_linearized_values(payload) else: self.logger.debug('get_typeduuid received {}'.format(type(payload))) identifier_string = str(payload) self.logger.debug('get_typeduuid.uuid_type "{}"'.format(self.uuid_type)) new_uuid = catalog_uuid(identifier_string, uuid_type=self.uuid_type, binary=binary) self.logger.debug('identifier_string: {}'.format(identifier_string)) self.logger.debug('get_typeduuid => {}'.format(new_uuid)) return new_uuid
[docs] def get_serialized_document(self, document, **kwargs): # Serialize values of specific keys to generate a UUID union = {**document, **kwargs} self.logger.debug('serializing {}'.format(union)) uuid_fields = self.get_uuid_fields() serialized = dict() for k in union: if k in uuid_fields: # print('TYPED_UUID_KEY: {}'.format(k)) serialized[k] = union.get(k) serialized_document = json.dumps(serialized, indent=0, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) # print('TYPED_UUID_SERIALIZED_VAL:', serialized_document) return serialized_document
[docs] def get_linearized_values(self, document, **kwargs): # Serialize values of specific keys to generate a UUID union = {**document, **kwargs} self.logger.debug('linearizing {}'.format(union)) uuid_fields = self.get_uuid_fields() ary = list() for k in union: if k in uuid_fields: # print('TYPED_UUID_KEY: {}'.format(k)) val = union.get(k, 'none') try: if isinstance(val, dict): val = json.dumps(val, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) else: val = str(val) ary.append(val) except Exception: self.exception('Failed to linearize values') raise ary.sort() linearized = ':'.join(ary) self.logger.debug('get_linearized_values: {}'.format(linearized)) return linearized
def __set_properties(self, record, updated=False, source=None): """Update the timestamp and revision count for a document Args: record (dict): A LinkedStore document updated (bool): Forces timestamp and revision to increment source (str, optional): Source of the current update Returns: dict: Object containing the updated LinkedStore document """ self.logger.debug('updating record properties') ts = msec_precision(current_time()) if source is None: source = settings.RECORDS_SOURCE # Amend record with _properties if needed if '_properties' not in record: record['_properties'] = {'created_date': ts, 'modified_date': ts, 'revision': 0, 'source': source} elif updated is True: self.logger.debug('record is updated: bumping revision and modified_dat') record['_properties']['modified_date'] = ts record['_properties']['revision'] = record['_properties']['revision'] + 1 return record def __set_admin(self, record): # Stubbed-in support for multitenancy, projects, and ownership self.logger.debug('updating record admin fields') if '_admin' not in record: record['_admin'] = admin_template() return record def __set_salt(self, record, refresh=False): self.logger.debug('setting record token salt') if '_salt' not in record or refresh is True: record['_salt'] = generate_salt() if refresh: self.logger.debug('refreshing record token salt') return record
[docs] def set_private_keys(self, record, updated=False, source=None): record = self.__set_properties(record, updated, source) record = self.__set_admin(record) record = self.__set_salt(record) return record
[docs] def add_update_document(self, doc_dict, uuid=None, token=None, strategy=strategies.MERGE):'add_update_document()') self.logger.debug('type(doc_dict) is {}'.format(type(doc_dict))) self.logger.debug('supplied value for uuid is {}'.format(uuid)) # Validate value and appropriateness of uuid if passed if uuid is not None: # Validate that the UUID resolves to a known type assert self.get_uuid_type() == get_uuidtype(uuid) # Validate that all identifiers are present for k in self.get_uuid_fields(): if k not in doc_dict: raise KeyError( "Document lacks identifying field '{}'".format(k)) # Compute and inject TypedUUID if needed if 'uuid' not in doc_dict: new_uuid = self.get_typeduuid(doc_dict, False) doc_dict['uuid'] = new_uuid self.logger.debug( 'computed UUID {} for doc_dict'.format( new_uuid)) # Ensure computed and passed uuid do not conflict if uuid is not None: if uuid != doc_dict['uuid']: raise ValueError("'uuid' {} != document.uuid {}".format( uuid, doc_dict['uuid'])) # Transform dict into Record, which validates and adds in linkage fields # doc_record = Record(doc_dict) doc_record = doc_dict self.logger.debug('doc_record: {}'.format(doc_dict)) # Fetch record if exists self.logger.debug('trying to retrieve existing document') db_record = self.coll.find_one({'uuid': doc_dict['uuid']}) if db_record is None: self.logger.debug('no existing document found') return self.add_document(doc_record) else: if strategy == strategies.REPLACE: return self.replace_document(db_record, doc_record, token=token) elif strategy == strategies.MERGE: return self.update_document(db_record, doc_record, token=token) elif strategy == strategies.DROP: raise ValueError("'{}' not a supported document policy".format(strategy))
[docs] def add_document(self, document, token=None): """Write a new managed document Args: document (dict): The contents of the document Raises: CatalogError: Raised when document cannot be written Returns: dict: Dictionary representation of the new document """ # Decorate the document with our _private keys'add_document()') db_record = self.set_private_keys(document, updated=False) # populate linkages if not existent for lf in self.LINK_FIELDS: if lf not in db_record: db_record[lf] = list() try: result = self.coll.insert_one(db_record) added_doc = self.coll.find_one({'_id': result.inserted_id}) if added_doc is not None: if self.LOG_JSONDIFF_UPDATES: diff_record = get_diff( source=dict(), target=db_record, action='create') self.logger.debug('diff: {}'.format(diff_record)) try: self.logcoll.insert_one(diff_record.document()) except Exception: self.logger.exception('failed to log document creation') else: raise CatalogError('response for mongo.insert_one() was None') # Issue and return an update token token = get_token(db_record['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(db_record)) added_doc['_update_token'] = token'add_document() complete') return added_doc except DuplicateKeyError: # This is only possible if add_document is called directly self.logger.warning('add_document() references an existing document: redirecting to update_document()') return self.update_document( {'uuid': document['uuid']}, document, token=token) except Exception as exc: raise CatalogError('Failed to create document', exc)
[docs] def replace_document(self, source_document, target_document, token=None): """Replace a document distinguished by UUID with a new instance Args: source_document (dict): The original document target_document (dict): The document to replace source with uuid (str, optional): The document's UUID5, which is assigned automatically on creation token (str): A short alphanumeric string that authorizes edits to the document Raises: CatalogError: Raised when document cannot be replaced Returns: dict: Dict representation of the new content for the document """'replace_document()') # Validate record x token if self._enforce_auth: try: validate_token(token, source_document['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(source_document)) except ValueError as verr: raise CatalogError('Invalid token', verr) replaced_doc = source_document diff_record = None was_updated = True self.logger.debug('comparing linkages fields') diff_linkages = linkages.merge_linkages(source_document, target_document, link_fields=self.LINK_FIELDS) self.logger.debug('diff_linkages: {}'.format(diff_linkages)) if self.LOG_JSONDIFF_UPDATES: self.logger.debug('calculating diff for replace') diff_record = get_diff(source=source_document, target=target_document, action='replace') was_updated = diff_record.updated else: self.logger.debug('skip calculating diff for replace') if was_updated or diff_linkages.updated: self.logger.debug('proceeding with replace()') # self.logger.debug('diff: {}'.format(diff_record)) # Transfer _private and identifier fields to document for key in list(source_document.keys()): if key.startswith('_') or key in ('uuid', '_id'): target_document[key] = source_document[key] # Update _properties document = self.__set_properties(target_document, updated=True) # Update the salt value, changing the update token document = self.__set_salt(document, refresh=True) # populate linkages if not existent for lf in self.LINK_FIELDS: if lf not in document: document[lf] = list() # Update the record replaced_doc = self.coll.find_one_and_replace( {'uuid': document['uuid']}, document, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) # self.logcoll.insert_one(diff_record) if self.LOG_JSONDIFF_UPDATES: self.logger.debug('logging replace()') try: self.logcoll.insert_one(diff_record.document()) except Exception: self.logger.exception('failed to log document replace()') else: self.logger.debug('skip logging replace()') else: self.logger.debug('skipping replace()') token = get_token(replaced_doc['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(replaced_doc)) replaced_doc['_update_token'] = token'replace_document() complete') return replaced_doc
[docs] def update_document(self, source_document, target_document, token=None, merge_dicts='right', merge_lists='append', linkage_policy='extend'):'update_document()') # Validate record x token if self._enforce_auth: try: validate_token(token, source_document['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(source_document)) except ValueError as verr: raise CatalogError('Invalid token', verr) updated_doc = source_document diff_record = None was_updated = False self.logger.debug('comparing linkages fields') diff_linkages = linkages.merge_linkages(source_document, target_document, link_fields=self.LINK_FIELDS) self.logger.debug('diff_linkages: {}'.format(diff_linkages)) merge_source = copy.copy(source_document) # Strip managed document keys self.logger.debug('merging source and target documents') merge_source, source_managed_fields = pre_merge_filter(merge_source) target_document, target_managed_fields = pre_merge_filter(target_document) merged_dest = json_merge(merge_source, target_document) self.logger.debug('merged_dest: {}'.format(merged_dest)) was_updated = True if self.LOG_JSONDIFF_UPDATES: self.logger.debug('calculating diff for update') try: diff_record = get_diff(source=merge_source, target=merged_dest, action='update') was_updated = diff_record.updated except RuntimeError as re: raise CatalogError('failed to diff update', re) else: self.logger.debug('skip calculating diff for update') if was_updated or diff_linkages.updated: self.logger.debug('proceeding with update()') # Graft on contents of diff_linkages for link_field, link_value in diff_linkages['values'].items(): merged_dest[link_field] = link_value # Lift over private keys for key in managedfields.ALL: if key in source_managed_fields: merged_dest[key] = source_managed_fields[key] # Get original _id field try: merged_dest['_id'] = source_document['_id'] except KeyError: pass # Update _properties for merged_document merged_dest = self.__set_properties(merged_dest, updated=True) # Cycle the record's _salt to change the token merged_dest = self.__set_salt(merged_dest, refresh=True) # Update the record # raise SystemError( # 'writing to database: {}'.format(merged_dest['uuid'])) updated_doc = self.coll.find_one_and_replace( {'uuid': merged_dest['uuid']}, merged_dest, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) # Only log if the document changed if self.LOG_JSONDIFF_UPDATES and was_updated: self.logger.debug('logging update()') try: self.logcoll.insert_one(diff_record.document()) except Exception: self.logger.exception('failed to log update{}') else: self.logger.debug('skip logging update()') else: self.logger.debug('no update required') self.logger.debug('generating access token') updated_doc['_update_token'] = get_token(updated_doc['_salt'], self.get_token_fields( updated_doc))'update_document() complete') return updated_doc
[docs] def write_key(self, uuid, key, value, token=None): """Write a value to a top-level key in a document Managed interface for writing to specific top-level keys, where some keys, namely any that are specified in the schema as identifiers or contributors to UUID generation, are enforced to be read-only. Args: uuid (str): UUID of the target document key (str): Name of the document key to write to value: Value to write to the designated key token (str): Short alphanumeric string authorizing edits to the document Raises: CatalogError: Raised when a read-only key is specified or an invalid token is passed Returns: dict: Dict representation of the updated document """ db_record = self.find_one_by_uuid(uuid) if self._enforce_auth: try: validate_token(token, db_record['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(db_record)) except ValueError as verr: raise CatalogError('Invalid token', verr) if key in self.READONLY_FIELDS + tuple(self.identifiers) + tuple(self.uuid_fields): raise CatalogError('Key {} cannot be directly updated'.format(key)) updated_record = data_merge(db_record, {key: value}) diff_record = get_diff(source=db_record, target=updated_record, action='update') if diff_record.updated: self.logger.debug('documents were different - proceeding with update()') self.logger.debug('diff: {}'.format(diff_record)) updated_record = self.__set_properties(updated_record, updated=True) self.logger.debug('cycling access token salt') updated_record = self.__set_salt(updated_record, refresh=True) self.logger.debug('writing to database') writekey_doc = self.coll.find_one_and_replace( {'uuid': updated_record['uuid']}, updated_record, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) self.logger.debug('generating access token') writekey_doc['_update_token'] = get_token( writekey_doc['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(writekey_doc)) self.logger.debug('logging') try: self.logcoll.insert_one(diff_record.document()) except Exception: self.logger.exception('failed to log document.key update') return writekey_doc else: db_record['_update_token'] = get_token( db_record['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(db_record)) return db_record
[docs] def delete_document(self, uuid, token=None, **kwargs): """Delete a document by UUID Managed interface for removing a document from its linkedstore collection by its typed UUID. Args: uuid (str): UUID of the target document token (str): Short alphanumeric string authorizing edits to the document Raises: CatalogError: Raised when unknown UUID, invalid token is passed, or on general write failure. Returns: dict: MongoDB deletion response """'delete_document()') # Raises if non-existent db_record = self.coll.find_one({'uuid': uuid}) if self._enforce_auth: try: validate_token(token, db_record['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(db_record)) except ValueError as verr: raise CatalogError('Invalid token', verr) diff_record = None deletion_resp = None if self.LOG_JSONDIFF_UPDATES: self.logger.debug('calculating diff for delete') diff_record = get_diff(source=db_record, target=dict(), action='delete') else: self.logger.debug('skip calculating diff for delete') # Create log entry try: self.logger.debug('proceeding with delete()') deletion_resp = self.coll.delete_one({'uuid': uuid}) self.logger.debug('response: {}'.format(deletion_resp)) if self.LOG_JSONDIFF_UPDATES: self.logger.debug('logging delete()') try: self.logcoll.insert_one(diff_record) except Exception: self.logger.exception('failed to log document delete') else: self.logger.debug('skip logging delete()') except Exception as exc: raise CatalogError('Failed to delete document with uuid {}'.format(uuid), exc)'delete_document() complete') return deletion_resp
[docs] def debug_mode(self): """Returns True if system is running in debug mode""" return settings.DEBUG_MODE
[docs]class StoreInterface(LinkedStore): """Alias for the LinkedStore defined in this module This alias is used generically in methods that iterate over all known linikedstores. """ pass