Source code for

import collections
import inspect
import json
import jsonschema
import os
import sys
from pprint import pprint
from datacatalog import settings
from datacatalog.extensible import ExtensibleAttrDict

from ...dicthelpers import data_merge
from ...jsonschemas import DateTimeEncoder, formatChecker, DateTimeConverter
from ...jsonschemas import validate as jsonschema_validate
from ...utils import safen_path, normalize, normpath
from ...stores import abspath
from ...filetypes import infer_filetype
from ...identifiers.typeduuid import uuid_to_hashid, catalog_uuid
from ..basestore import AgaveClient, LinkedStore, linkages
from ..basestore import HeritableDocumentSchema, JSONSchemaCollection
from ..basestore import CatalogUpdateFailure

                       linkages.DERIVED_USING, linkages.GENERATED_BY]
[docs]class FileUpdateFailure(CatalogUpdateFailure): pass
[docs]class FileDocument(HeritableDocumentSchema): """Defines experiment-linked metadata for a file""" def __init__(self, inheritance=True, **kwargs): super(FileDocument, self).__init__(inheritance, **kwargs) self.update_id()
[docs]class FileRecord(ExtensibleAttrDict): """New document for FileStore with schema enforcement""" PARAMS = [ # ('uuid', False, 'uuid', None), # ('child_of', False, 'child_of', []), # ('generated_by', False, 'generated_by', []), # ('derived_using', False, 'derived_using', []), # ('derived_from', False, 'derived_from', []), # ('notes', False, 'notes', []), ('level', False, 'level', 'Unknown'), ('storage_system', False, 'storage_system', settings.STORAGE_SYSTEM)] def __init__(self, value, *args, **kwargs): # if 'file_id' not in value: # value['file_id'] = 'file.tacc.' + uuid.uuid1().hex ovalue = dict(value) # Validate incoming document # value = dict(value) # schema = FileDocument() # for k in schema.filter_keys(): # try: # del value[k] # except KeyError: # pass # vvalue = json.loads(json.dumps(value, default=DateTimeConverter)) # jsonschema_validate(vvalue, schema.to_dict(), # format_checker=formatChecker()) # Ensure the minimum set of other fields is populated # # We use a bespoke process rather than relying on the schema for now # because file record creation cannot tolerate the overhead of # materializing a class definition with python_jsonschema_objects for param, req, attr, default in self.PARAMS: val = kwargs.get(param, ovalue.get(param, default)) if req and val is not None: kwargs[param] = val super().__init__(value, *args, **kwargs) self['name'] = safen_path(self['name'], no_unicode=False, no_spaces=True, url_quote=False, no_equals=True) if self.get('storage_system', None) is None: self['storage_system'] = settings.STORAGE_SYSTEM
[docs] def set_token(self, value): self['_update_token'] = str(value)
[docs]class FileStore(AgaveClient, LinkedStore): """Manage storage and retrieval of FileDocuments""" LINK_FIELDS = DEFAULT_LINK_FIELDS def __init__(self, mongodb, agave=None, config={}, session=None, **kwargs): super(FileStore, self).__init__(mongodb, config, session, agave=agave) schema = FileDocument(**kwargs) super(FileStore, self).update_attrs(schema) self.setup(update_indexes=kwargs.get('update_indexes', False))
[docs] def add_update_document(self, document_dict, uuid=None, token=None, strategy='merge'): # if not isinstance(document_dict, FileRecord): # document_dict = FileRecord(document_dict) # Generate file_id from name if not present if 'file_id' not in document_dict: document_dict['file_id'] = self.generate_string_id(document_dict) resp = super().add_update_document(document_dict, uuid=uuid, token=token, strategy=strategy)'add_update_document: {}'.format(resp)) new_resp = resp return new_resp
[docs] @classmethod def generate_string_id(cls, document_dict): if 'file_id' not in document_dict: filepath = normpath('/' + document_dict['name']) agave_uri = 'agave://' + \ document_dict.get('storage_system', settings.STORAGE_SYSTEM) + filepath file_id = FILE_ID_PREFIX + uuid_to_hashid( catalog_uuid(agave_uri, uuid_type='file')) return file_id else: raise KeyError('Unable to find field "name" in document dict')
[docs] @classmethod def generate_string_id_v2_0(cls, document_dict): if 'file_id' not in document_dict: file_id = FILE_ID_PREFIX + uuid_to_hashid( catalog_uuid(document_dict['name'], uuid_type='file')) return file_id
[docs] def index(self, filename, storage_system=None, token=None, **kwargs): """Capture a skeleton metadata entry for a file Args: filename (str): Agave-canonical absolute path to the target storage_system (str, optional): Agave storage system for the target Returns: dict: A LinkedStore document containing file details """ # print('FIXITY.STORE.INDEX ' + filename) if storage_system is None: storage_system = settings.STORAGE_SYSTEM = normpath(filename) self.abs_filename = self._helper.mapped_posix_path(, storage_system=storage_system) # self.abs_filename = abspath(, storage_system=storage_system, agave=self._helper) file_uuid = self.get_typeduuid( db_record = self.coll.find_one({'uuid': file_uuid}) file_record = None if db_record is None: db_record = {'name': filename, 'storage_system': storage_system, 'uuid': file_uuid, 'type': kwargs.get('type', infer_filetype( filename, check_exists=False).label), 'child_of': kwargs.get('child_of', []), 'generated_by': kwargs.get('generated_by', [])} resp = self.add_update_document( db_record, uuid=file_uuid, token=token, strategy='merge') file_record = resp else: file_record = db_record return file_record
[docs] def get_typeduuid(self, payload, binary=False): if isinstance(payload, dict): if 'name' in payload: payload['name'] = safen_path(payload['name']) # identifier_string = self.get_linearized_values(payload) else: payload = normpath(str(payload)) # identifier_string = normpath(str(payload)) self.logger.debug('file.payload: {}'.format(payload)) return super().get_typeduuid(payload, binary)
[docs]class StoreInterface(FileStore): pass