Source code for datacatalog.linkedstores.fixity.indexer

import binascii
import datetime
import filetype
import hashlib
import xxhash
import os
import sys
import warnings
from stat import S_ISREG
from pprint import pprint

from datacatalog import settings
from datacatalog.agavehelpers import AgaveHelper
from ...filetypes import infer_filetype
from ...stores import abspath
from ...utils import normalize, normpath
from .schema import FixityDocument, msec_precision

[docs]class FixityIndexer(object): """Captures fixed details for a given file""" CHECKSUM_BLOCKSIZE = 128000 """Chunk size for computing checksum""" DEFAULT_SIZE = -1 """Default size in bytes when it cannot be determined""" XXHASH32_SEED = 2573985330 """Seed for xxHash 32-bit fingerprinting""" XXHASH64_SEED = 3759046909696704950 """Seed for xxHash 64-bit fingerprinting""" __PARAMS = [('name', 'name', False, None), ('version', 'version', True, 0), ('type', 'type', True, None), ('created', 'created', True, None), ('modified', 'modified', True, None), ('size', 'size', True, None), ('checksum', 'checksum', True, None), ('fingerprint', 'fingerprint', True, None), ('uuid', 'uuid', False, None), ('storage_system', 'storage_system', False, None), ('child_of', 'child_of', False, [])] def __init__(self, abs_filename=None, storage_system=settings.STORAGE_SYSTEM, cache_stat=True, block_size=CHECKSUM_BLOCKSIZE, schema={}, agave=None, **kwargs): self._cache_stat = cache_stat self._block_size = block_size = kwargs.get('name') # We have specific rules about what constitutes an update self._updated = False self.storage_system = storage_system # Init our AgaveHelper if agave is not None: setattr(self, '_helper', AgaveHelper(agave, storage_system=storage_system)) else: warnings.warn('No Agave client was passed at initialization') # Resolve root-absolute path on managed Agave system if abs_filename is not None: self._abspath = abs_filename else: self._abspath = self._helper.mapped_posix_path(, storage_system=storage_system) # This holds a cached version of the os.path.stat() tuple, saving # three of the four individual stat() calls for get_created, # get_modified, and get_size, and is_file! if self._cache_stat: setattr(self, '_stat', os.stat(self._abspath)) setattr(self, '_is_file', S_ISREG(self._stat.st_mode)) else: setattr(self, '_is_file', os.path.isfile(self._abspath)) for key, attr, init, default in self.__PARAMS: # Populate atttributes w defaults if they have not already been if getattr(self, key, None) is None: value = kwargs.get(key, default) setattr(self, attr, value)
[docs] def sync(self): """Fetch latest values for indexing target""" setattr(self, '_updated', False) if self._is_file is True: for key, attr, func, default in self.__PARAMS: # Refresh attributes that are implemented as callables if func: addressable_method = getattr(self, 'get_' + attr) old_value = getattr(self, attr, None) try: new_value = addressable_method(self._abspath) if new_value != old_value: setattr(self, '_updated', True) setattr(self, attr, new_value) except Exception as exc: pprint(exc) # print('sync.attr:value {}:{}'.format(attr, new_value)) if self._updated is True: vers = self.get_version() vers = vers + 1 setattr(self, 'version', vers) return self
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Render fixity record as a dictionary Returns: dict: Representation of this fixity record """ my_dict = dict() for key, attr, init, default in self.__PARAMS: my_dict[key] = getattr(self, attr) return my_dict
[docs] def updated(self): """Helper to manage ``updated`` state """ return getattr(self, '_updated', False)
[docs] def get_checksum(self, file, algorithm='sha256'): """Compute checksum for indexing target Args: file (str): Absolute path to the file algorithm (str, optional): Checksum algorithm to use Returns: str: Hexadecimal checksum for the file """ cksum = self.__checksum_sha256(file) return cksum
[docs] def get_version(self, file=None): return getattr(self, 'version', 0)
[docs] def get_fingerprint(self, file, algorithm='xxh64'): """Compute fast fingerprint for indexing target Args: file (str): Absolute path to the file algorithm (str, optional): Fingerprint algorithm to use Returns: str: Hexadecimal checksum for the file """ cksum = self.checksum_xxhash(file) return cksum
[docs] def get_created(self, file): """Returns (apparent) file creation time. Args: file (str): Absolute path to the file Returns: datetime.datetime: The file's ``ctime`` Note: Only msec precision is supported, a deficiency inherited from BSON """ if getattr(self, 'created') is not None: return getattr(self, 'created') else: stat_cache = getattr(self, '_stat', None) if stat_cache is not None: t = stat_cache.st_ctime else: t = os.path.getmtime(file) return msec_precision(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t))
[docs] def get_size(self, file): """Returns size in bytes for files (or DEFAULT_SIZE if unknown) """ gs = self.DEFAULT_SIZE stat_cache = getattr(self, '_stat', None) if stat_cache is not None: return stat_cache.st_size else: gs = os.path.getsize(file) if gs is None: raise OSError( 'Failed to get size of {}'.format(file)) return gs
[docs] def get_modified(self, file): """Returns (apparent) file modification time. Note: Only miilsecond precision is supported as the ultimate target for this value is MongoDB, which only supports milliseconds due to a deficiency in the BSON specification. """ if getattr(self, 'created') is not None: return getattr(self, 'created') else: stat_cache = getattr(self, '_stat', None) if stat_cache is not None: t = stat_cache.st_mtime else: t = os.path.getmtime(file) return msec_precision(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t))
[docs] def get_type(self, file): """Resolves file type for a given file""" return infer_filetype(file).label
def __checksum_sha256(self, file): """Compute sha256 checksum for a file Args: file(str): Path to file Returns: str: Current digest as a hexadecial string """ if not os.path.isfile(file): return None try: hash_sha = hashlib.sha256() with open(file, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_sha.update(chunk) return hash_sha.hexdigest() except Exception as exc: raise OSError('Failed to compute sha256 for {}'.format(file), exc) # @classmethod
[docs] def checksum_xxhash(self, file, return_type='int'): """Compute xxhash digest for a file Args: file (str): Path to file return_type (str, optional): Type of digest to return [``str``, ``int``] Returns: int64: Current digest as an integer Note: See for details on xxHash """ if not os.path.isfile(file): return None try: hash_xxhash = xxhash.xxh64(seed=self.XXHASH64_SEED) with open(file, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_xxhash.update(chunk) if return_type == 'int': # Note: xxh64 generates an unsigned 64bit integer, but # Mongo can only store int64. We solve this by converting # to int64 by subtracting the max size for int64 digest = hash_xxhash.intdigest() - sys.maxsize # print('TYPE.xxHASH', type(digest)) # print('VAL.xxHash', str(digest)) return digest elif return_type == 'str': return hash_xxhash.hexdigest() except Exception as exc: raise OSError('Failed to compute xxh64 for {}'.format(file), exc)