Source code for datacatalog.linkedstores.pipeline.serializer

import json

"""Default indentation for JSON rendering"""
"""Default behavior for sorting keys when rendering to JSON"""
SEPARATORS = (',', ':')
"""Default tuple of JSON separators"""

[docs]class SerializedPipeline(object): """Helper class for serializing a pipeline definition Args: list: pipeline components expressed as `dict` objects """ # TODO - Re-implement this with schema-informed classes COMPONENT_KEYS = {'agave_app': (('id', True), ('modules', False), ('inputs', True), ('outputs', False), ('parameters', True), ('uuid', False)), 'abaco_actor': (('id', True), ('image', True), ('options', False), ('uuid', False)), 'agave_job': (('appId', True), ('id', True), ('uuid', False)), 'deployed_container': (('image', True), ('hostname', True), ('hash', False), ('options', False), ('uuid', False)), 'web_service': (('uri', True), ('identifier', False), ('options', False), ('uuid', False))} """Fields to include in component definitions. Key is named after jsonschema. Tuple is (field, required)""" # APP_KEYS = ('id', 'modules', 'inputs', 'outputs', 'parameters', 'uuid') # JOB_KEYS = ('appId', 'uuid') # ACTOR_KEYS = ('id', 'repo', 'options', 'uuid') # REPO_KEYS = ('repo', 'hash', 'options', 'uuid') # WEBSERVICE_KEYS = ('uri', 'identifier', 'options', 'uuid')
[docs] def filter_app_job_def(self, app_job_def): """Filter out extraneous keys in Agave app definitions""" new_def = {} for key in self.APP_KEYS + self.JOB_KEYS: if key in app_job_def: new_def[key] = app_job_def.get(key) return app_job_def
[docs] def filter_actor_def(self, actor_def): """Filter out extraneous keys in Abaco actor definitions""" new_def = {} for key in self.ACTOR_KEYS: if key in actor_def: new_def[key] = actor_def.get(key) return actor_def
[docs] @classmethod def classify_component(cls, component): """Determine type for a 'component' based on whether it contains mandated keys """ for component_type, keyset in cls.COMPONENT_KEYS.items(): try: for keyname, required in keyset: if required: if keyname not in component: raise KeyError('Required key {} missing'.format(key)) return component_type except Exception: pass return None
[docs] @classmethod def filter_component(cls, component): ctype = SerializedPipeline.classify_component(component) if ctype is None: return None else: filtered_comp = dict() for key, req in cls.COMPONENT_KEYS[ctype]: if key in component: filtered_comp[key] = component.get(key, '') return filtered_comp
def __init__(self, component_list): comps = list() self.components = comps for comp in component_list: fcomp = SerializedPipeline.filter_component(comp) if fcomp is not None: comps.append(fcomp) setattr(self, 'components', comps)
[docs] def to_json(self): """Renders the pipeline as minified JSON""" j = json.dumps(getattr(self, 'components', []), sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) return j