Source code for

import base64
import inspect
import json
import os
import sys
from pprint import pprint
import random
import string
import tempfile
from datacatalog import settings

from ... import identifiers
from ...dicthelpers import data_merge
from ..basestore import LinkedStore, HeritableDocumentSchema, linkages
from ..basestore import CatalogUpdateFailure
from ..basestore import SoftDelete, AgaveClient
from ..basestore import get_token, validate_token, validate_admin_token

from .exceptions import JobError, JobCreateFailure, JobUpdateFailure, \
    DuplicateJobError, UnknownPipeline, UnknownJob
from .schema import JobDocument, HistoryEventDocument
from .job import PipelineJob, PipelineJobError
from .graphfsm import render_graph, build_graph

                       linkages.ACTED_USING, linkages.GENERATED_BY]

[docs]class PipelineJobStore(AgaveClient, SoftDelete, LinkedStore): NEVER_INDEX_FIELDS = ('data') LINK_FIELDS = DEFAULT_LINK_FIELDS """Fields that should never be indexed""" def __init__(self, mongodb, config={}, session=None, agave=None, **kwargs): super(PipelineJobStore, self).__init__(mongodb, config, session, agave) # setup based on schema extended properties schema = JobDocument(**kwargs) super(PipelineJobStore, self).update_attrs(schema) self._enforce_auth = True self.setup(update_indexes=kwargs.get('update_indexes', False)) # Extend Store so it can validate the pipeline UUID setattr(self, 'pipes_coll', self.db['pipelines'])
[docs] def uuid_from_properties(self, job_document, **kwargs): self.validate_pipeline_uuid(job_document.get('pipeline_uuid')) # Must refer to a valid (but not verified) abaco actorId try: identifiers.abaco_hashid.validate(job_document.get('actor_id')) except Exception: pass return job_document.get('uuid', self.get_typeduuid(job_document))
[docs] def create(self, job_document, **kwargs): job_uuid = self.uuid_from_properties(job_document, **kwargs) job_document['uuid'] = job_uuid pipe_job_document = PipelineJob(job_document).new() return self.add_update_document(pipe_job_document.to_dict())
[docs] def handle(self, event_document, token=None, data=None, **kwargs): # This is a special method that takes event documents # and modifies the job state/history"handling event '{}'".format( event_document.get('name', None))) job_uuid = None try: job_uuid = event_document.get('uuid') except KeyError: raise JobUpdateFailure('Cannot process an event without a job UUID') db_record = self.find_one_by_uuid(job_uuid) if db_record is None: raise UnknownJob('{} is not a valid job ID'.format(job_uuid)) # Allow handle() to accept token as an argument or as a key # in the event_document passed_token = event_document.get('token', token) # Token must validate # TODO - Extend validate_token to honor one or more admin tokens set in env validate_token(passed_token, db_record['_salt'], self.get_token_fields(db_record)) db_job = PipelineJob(db_record).handle(event_document) return self.add_update_document(db_job.to_dict())
[docs] def delete(self, job_uuid, token, force=True): # Special kind of event validate_admin_token(token, permissive=False) return self.delete_document(job_uuid, token=token, force=force)
[docs] def history(self, job_uuid, limit=None, skip=None): pass
[docs] def validate_pipeline_uuid(self, pipeline_uuid): try: pipe = self.pipes_coll.find_one({'uuid': pipeline_uuid}) if pipe is not None: return True else: raise UnknownPipeline( 'No pipeline exists with UUID {}'.format(str(pipeline_uuid))) except Exception as exc: raise Exception('Failed to validate pipeline UUID', exc)
[docs] def list_job_archive_path(self, job_uuid, recurse=True, directories=False, **kwargs): """Returns contents of a job's archive_path on the job's archive_system Args: job_uuid (str): UUID of the job recurse (bool, optional): List recursively directories (bool, optional): Include directories in response Notes: PipelineJobStore must be initialized with a valid Agave API client Returns: list: Agave-canonical absolute filenames in job.archive_path """ db_record = self.find_one_by_uuid(job_uuid) if db_record is None: raise UnknownJob('{} is not a valid job ID'.format(job_uuid)) dir_listing = self._helper.listdir( db_record['archive_path'], recurse=recurse, storage_system=db_record.get('archive_system', settings.STORAGE_SYSTEM), directories=False) return dir_listing
[docs] def fsm_state_png(self, uuid): try: job = self.find_one_by_uuid(uuid) if job is not None: events = [hist['name'] for hist in job['history']] title = 'job:' + uuid graph = build_graph(job['state'], title, events) tmpname = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(32)]) tmpfp = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), tmpname) graph.draw(tmpfp, format='png', prog='dot') encoded = base64.b64encode(open(tmpfp, "rb").read()) os.unlink(tmpfp) return encoded else: raise ValueError('Unable to retrieve job {}'.format(uuid)) except Exception as exc: raise JobError('Failed to get_graph', exc)
[docs]class StoreInterface(PipelineJobStore): pass