Source code for datacatalog.managers.common

import copy
import json
import importlib
import inspect
import itertools
import re
import os
import sys
from pprint import pprint
from datacatalog.logger import get_logger
from datacatalog.hashable import picklecache, jsoncache
from datacatalog.mongo import db_connection
from datacatalog.identifiers import tacc
from functools import lru_cache
from ..linkedstores import DEFAULT_LINK_FIELDS
from ..linkages import Linkage
from .. import linkedstores
from .. import jsonschemas
from ..utils import dynamic_import
from ..tenancy import current_tenant_uri, current_username
from ..dicthelpers import data_merge
from ..agavehelpers import from_agave_uri
from ..identifiers import typeduuid
from ..extensible import ExtensibleAttrDict
from agavepy.agave import AgaveError

__all__ = ['ManagerBase', 'Manager', 'ManagerError']

[docs]class ManagerError(linkedstores.basestore.CatalogError): """Error has occurred inside a Manager""" pass
[docs]class ManagerBase(object): """Base class for non database, non Agave functions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.logger = get_logger(__name__)
[docs] @classmethod def sanitize(cls, mongo_document): """Strips out non-public fields from a JSON document """ a = ExtensibleAttrDict(mongo_document) return a.as_dict(private_prefix='_')
[docs] @classmethod def get_uuidtype(cls, uuid): """Identify the named type for a given UUID Args: uuid (str): UUID to classify by type Returns: str: Named type of the UUID """ typeduuid.validate(uuid) return typeduuid.get_uuidtype(uuid)
[docs] @classmethod def listify_uuid(cls, uuid, validate_members=True): """Wraps typeduuid.listify_uuid() """ return typeduuid.listify_uuid( uuid, validate_members=validate_members)
[docs]class Manager(ManagerBase): """Manages operations across LinkedStores""" RESOLVE_ORDER = ('file', 'reference', 'pipelinejob', 'pipeline', 'sample', 'measurement', 'experiment', 'experiment_design', 'challenge_problem', 'structured_request', 'process', 'fixity', 'association', 'tag_annotation', 'text_annotation') RESOLVE_RE = re.compile('^(' + '|'.join(list(RESOLVE_ORDER)) + ').') def __init__(self, mongodb, agave=None, *args, **kwargs): ManagerBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Assemble dict of stores keyed by classname self.api_server = kwargs.get('api_server', current_tenant_uri()) self.mongo_client = db_connection(mongodb) self.client = agave # assert agave is not None, 'Manager requires a valid API client' self.stores = Manager.init_stores(self.mongo_client, agave=agave)
[docs] @classmethod def init_stores(cls, mongodb, agave=None): # Assemble dict of stores keyed): stores = dict() for pkg in tuple(jsonschemas.schemas.STORE_SCHEMAS): try: m = dynamic_import('.' + pkg, package='datacatalog') store = m.StoreInterface(mongodb, agave=agave) store_name = getattr(store, 'schema_name') store_basename = store_name.split('.')[-1] if store_basename != 'basestore': stores[store_basename] = store except ModuleNotFoundError: cls.logger.exception('Module not found: {}'.format(pkg)) return stores
[docs] def get_by_uuid(self, uuid, permissive=True): """Returns a LinkedStore document by UUID Args: uuid (str): UUID of the document to retrieve Returns: dict: The document that was retrieved """ storename = self.get_uuidtype(uuid) resp = self.stores[storename].find_one_by_uuid(uuid) if resp is not None: return self.sanitize(resp) elif permissive: return None else: raise ValueError('That UUID does not appear to exist')
[docs] def get_by_identifier(self, identifier_string, permissive=True): """Search LinkedStores for a string identifier Args: identifier_string (str): An identifier string Returns: dict: The document that was retrieved """ # Is the identifer a typed UUID - no need to resolve if so if typeduuid.validate(identifier_string, permissive=True): return self.get_by_uuid(identifier_string, permissive=permissive) # Is the identifier a namespaced identifier (sample.tacc.xyz123) # If so, trust the namespace since the worst possible outcome is # just an empty response searches = self.RESOLVE_ORDER namespaced = if namespaced: sname ='.', '') searches = [sname] # Finally, in order of probability (established by RESOLVE_ORDER) # iteratively look up identifier in each store until the string is # resolved or the query fails for sname in searches: store = self.stores[sname] for i in store.get_identifiers(): query = {i: identifier_string} resp = store.coll.find_one(query) if resp is not None: return self.sanitize(resp) if permissive: return None else: raise ValueError('No such identifier could be found')
[docs] def get_by_uuids(self, uuids, permissive=True): """Returns a list of LinkedStore documents by UUID Args: uuids (list): List of document UUIDs Returns: list The document that was retrieved """ recs = list() for uuid in uuids: resp = self.get_by_uuid(uuid, permissive=permissive) if resp is not None: recs.append(resp) sorted_recs = sorted(recs, key=lambda k: k['uuid']) return sorted_recs
[docs] @picklecache.mcache(lru_cache(maxsize=256)) def get_uuid_from_identifier(self, identifier): """Resolve an identifier into its corresponding UUID Args: identifier (str): A known distinct identifier from any colllection Returns: uuid: The string UUID for ``identifier`` uuid_type: The TypedUUID type for ``uuid`` """ uuid = None uuid_type = None self.logger.debug('resolving {} into a UUID'.format(identifier)) try: uuid_type = self.get_uuidtype(identifier) uuid = identifier except ValueError: resp = self.get_by_identifier(identifier) if resp is None: raise ValueError( 'Failed to resolve {} to a UUID'.format(identifier)) uuid = resp.get('uuid') uuid_type = self.get_uuidtype(uuid) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( 'Failed to resolve {} to a UUID: {}'.format(identifier, exc)) self.logger.debug( 'identifier is a {} with UUID {}'.format(uuid_type, uuid)) return uuid, uuid_type
[docs] def current_tapis_user(self, permissive=False): """Learns the current TACC username """ user = None try: user = self.client.token.username except AttributeError: user = current_username() except Exception: raise finally: return user
[docs] @picklecache.mcache(lru_cache(maxsize=256)) def get_tapis_user(self, username=None, permissive=False): """Retrieve a username record from the Tapis profile service """ if username is None: try: uname = self.current_tapis_user() return uname except Exception: raise ValueError('Username must be resolvable from environment or provided') # Agave/APIM specialty accounts if username in tacc.username.ROLE_USERNAMES: return {'first_name': None, 'last_name': None, 'full_name': None, 'email': None, 'phone': None, 'mobile_phone': None, 'nonce': None, 'status': None, 'create_time': '20140515180317Z', 'uid': None, 'username': username} try: if self.client is None: raise AgaveError('TACC API client not initialized before use') else: return self.client.profiles.listByUsername(username=username) except Exception: if permissive: return None else: raise
[docs] @picklecache.mcache(lru_cache(maxsize=256)) def validate_tapis_username(self, username=None, permissive=False): """Verify the provided username against the Tapis profile service """ self.get_tapis_user(username, permissive=permissive) return True
[docs] @picklecache.mcache(lru_cache(maxsize=256)) def validate_uuid(self, uuid, permissive=False): """Verify that a UUID5 exists in the system by retrieving it """ # TODO - save db traffic by fetching only a field from each record if isinstance(uuid, str): self.get_by_uuid(uuid, permissive=permissive) elif isinstance(uuid, list): for u in uuid: self.get_by_uuid(u, permissive=False) return True
[docs] def derivation_from_inputs(self, inputs=[]): """Retrieve derived_from linkages for a set of inputs Args: inputs (list): Identifier values for one or more inputs (e.g. ``name``, ``file_id``, ``uri``) Returns: list: a set of Typed UUIDs """ return self.linkage_from_inputs(inputs=inputs, target='derived_from')
[docs] def generator_from_inputs(self, inputs=[]): """Retrieve generated_by linkages for a set of inputs Args: inputs (list): Identifier values for one or more inputs (e.g. ``name``, ``file_id``, ``uri``) Returns: list: a set of Typed UUIDs """ return self.linkage_from_inputs(inputs=inputs, target='generated_by')
[docs] def parent_from_inputs(self, inputs=[]): """Retrieve child_of linkages for a set of inputs Args: inputs (list): Identifier values for one or more inputs (e.g. ``name``, ``file_id``, ``uri``) Returns: list: a set of Typed UUIDs """ return self.linkage_from_inputs(inputs=inputs, target='child_of')
[docs] def self_from_inputs(self, inputs=[]): """Retrieve canonical linkage UUIDs for a list of inputs Args: inputs (list): Identifier values for one or more inputs (e.g. ``name``, ``file_id``, ``uri``) Returns: list: a set of Typed UUIDs """ return self.linkage_from_inputs(inputs=inputs, target='self')
[docs] def linkage_from_inputs(self, inputs=[], target='child_of'): """Retrieve linkage targets from a set of inputs Filepaths will be resolved against the ``file`` collection and will return a reference to their immediate parent. URIs will be resolved against the ``reference`` collection and will return a reference to themselves. Args: inputs (list): Identifier values for one or more inputs (e.g. ``name``, ``file_id``, ``uri``) target (str): Linkage type to retrieve Returns: list: a set of Typed UUIDs """ # STORES = [('file', 'name', 'child_of')] STORES = [('reference', ['uri', 'reference_id'], target), ('file', ['name', 'file_id'], target)] if target not in DEFAULT_LINK_FIELDS and target != 'self': raise ValueError( "{} is an invalid value for 'target'. Valid options include: {}".format(target, DEFAULT_LINK_FIELDS)) links = list() for idstr in inputs: found = False for store_name, search_keys, linkage in STORES: # print('STORE ' + store_name) if not isinstance(idstr, str): raise ValueError( "{} is a {} not a string".format(idstr, type(idstr))) for key in search_keys: # Resolve agave URL into # print('KEY ' + key) if store_name == 'file' and key == 'name' and idstr.startswith('agave:'): agsys, agpath, agfile = from_agave_uri(idstr) idstr = os.path.join(agpath, agfile) query = {key: idstr} resp = self.stores[store_name].find_one_by_id(**query) if resp is not None: if linkage == 'self': # print('SELF ' + resp.get('uuid')) links.extend([resp.get('uuid')]) found = True else: links.extend(resp.get(linkage, [])) break if found: break # Break if we find the reference form for a file. Otherwise, # try to resolve the file record # if found: # break # Filter out anything that may have come back that's not a UUID # Set permissive to True to simply filter out values that dont validate uuid_links = [l for l in links if typeduuid.validate( l, permissive=True) is True] uuid_links = list(set(uuid_links)) uuid_links.sort() return uuid_links
[docs] def lineage_from_uuid(self, query_uuid, target='child_of', permissive=True): """Get self-inclusive lineage for a given UUID Args: query_uuid (str): The UUID to query on target (str, optional): The kind of linkage to follow permissive (bool, optional): Whether to raise a ValueError if a simple lineage can't be determined. Raises: ValueError: Raised if ``permissive==False`` and complete lineage traversal cannot be achieved Returns: list: Ordered list of tuples (``<collection_level>``, ``<uuid5>``) Note: The lineage will include a reference to the original query at position 0. Access the UUID of immediate parent as follows: ``my_lineage[1][1]``. """ DEFAULT_LINK_HIERARCHY = ['file', 'measurement', 'sample', 'experiment', 'experiment_design', 'challenge_problem'] LINK_HIERARCHY = copy.copy(DEFAULT_LINK_HIERARCHY) lineage = list() uuid_type = typeduuid.get_uuidtype(query_uuid) # print('TypedUUID', uuid_type) for link_level in DEFAULT_LINK_HIERARCHY: if link_level != uuid_type: LINK_HIERARCHY.pop() else: break current_query_uuid = query_uuid lineage.append((uuid_type, current_query_uuid)) try: for x in range(0, len(LINK_HIERARCHY)): try: store_name = LINK_HIERARCHY[x] parent_store_name = LINK_HIERARCHY[x + 1] resp1 = self.stores[store_name].find_one_by_uuid(current_query_uuid) if resp1 is not None: parent_uuid_list = resp1.get(target, []) if len(parent_uuid_list) == 1: current_query_uuid = parent_uuid_list[0] # lineage[parent_store_name] = current_query_uuid lineage.append((parent_store_name, current_query_uuid)) else: raise ValueError( 'Stopped computing lineage because {} has {} parents.'.format( current_query_uuid, len(parent_uuid_list))) except IndexError: break except ValueError as verr: if permissive: print(verr) else: raise return lineage
[docs] def level_from_lineage(self, lineage, level='experiment', permissive=False): """Traverse a lineage and return value for a specific level""" for name, value in lineage: if name == level: return value if permissive: return None else: raise ValueError('Failed to retrieve level {} from lineage'.format(level))
[docs] def self_from_ids(self, ids, enforce_type=True, permissive=False): """Resolve UUIDs from one or more identifiers Args: ids (str/list): String or list of string identifiers enforce_type (bool, optional): Whether all identifiers must be of same type permissive (bool, optional): Whether to return None or raise exception when encountering an error Raises: ValueError: Raised when identifiers can't be resolved or type enforcement fails Returns: list: One or UUID strings """ try: selfs = list() self_types = list() if not isinstance(ids, list): qids = [ids] else: qids = ids for qid in qids: quuid = None quuid_type = None try: quuid_type = typeduuid.get_uuidtype(qid) quuid = qid except Exception: resp = self.get_by_identifier(qid) if resp is not None: quuid = resp['uuid'] quuid_type = typeduuid.get_uuidtype(quuid) if quuid is not None: selfs.append(quuid) if quuid_type is not None: self_types.append(quuid_type) if enforce_type: if len(list(set(self_types))) > 1: raise ValueError('Cannot resolve a list of identifiers with mixed types') selfs = list(set(selfs)) selfs.sort() if len(selfs) > 0: return selfs else: raise ValueError('Unable to resolve any identifers to UUIDs') except Exception: if permissive is True: return None else: raise
[docs] def kids_from_parents(self, ids, parent='experiment', parent_id='experiment_id', kid='sample', kid_id='uuid', permissive=False): if not isinstance(ids, list): qids = [ids] else: qids = ids query_ids = list() child_ids = list() parent_coll = parent parent_id_field = parent_id child_coll = kid child_id_field = kid_id # Resolve ids into UUIDs. If ids are not valid UUIDs, consult collection for qid in qids: try: if typeduuid.get_uuidtype(qid) == parent: query_ids.append(qid) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: # Not a resolvable UUID with correct type pquery = {parent_id_field: qid} resp = self.stores[parent_coll].find_one_by_id(**pquery) if resp is not None: quid = resp.get('uuid', None) if quid is not None: query_ids.append(quid) # Filter redundant members query_ids = list(set(query_ids)) # Implementing N_from_N is just a lookup of N -> UUID5s if parent == kid: return query_ids # Get child collection records whose child_of contains query_ids chquery = dict() chquery["child_of"] = { "$in": query_ids } chprojection = dict() chprojection['uuid'] = 1.0 chresp = self.stores[child_coll].query(chquery, projection=chprojection) for chrec in chresp: child_ids.append(chrec.get(child_id_field, None)) # Return non-redundant set of child UUIDs child_ids = list(set(child_ids)) child_ids.sort() return child_ids
[docs] def designs_from_challenges(self, ids, permissive=True): response = self.kids_from_parents( ids, parent='challenge_problem', parent_id='id', kid='experiment_design', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def experiments_from_designs(self, ids, permissive=True): response = self.kids_from_parents( ids, parent='experiment_design', parent_id='experiment_design_id', kid='experiment', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def samples_from_experiments(self, ids, permissive=True): response = self.kids_from_parents( ids, parent='experiment', parent_id='experiment_id', kid='sample', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def measurements_from_measurements(self, ids, permissive=True): response = self.kids_from_parents( ids, parent='measurement', parent_id='measurement_id', kid='measurement', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def files_from_measurements(self, ids, permissive=True): response = self.kids_from_parents( ids, parent='measurement', parent_id='measurement_id', kid='file', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def samples_from_samples(self, ids, permissive=True): response = self.kids_from_parents( ids, parent='sample', parent_id='sample_id', kid='sample', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def experiments_from_experiments(self, ids, permissive=True): response = self.kids_from_parents( ids, parent='experiment', parent_id='experiment_id', kid='experiment', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def measurements_from_samples(self, ids, permissive=True): response = self.kids_from_parents( ids, parent='sample', parent_id='sample_id', kid='measurement', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def measurements_from_experiments(self, ids, permissive=True): samples = self.samples_from_experiments( ids, permissive=permissive) measurements = self.measurements_from_samples( samples, permissive=permissive) measurements.sort() return measurements
[docs] def measurements_from_designs(self, ids, permissive=True): experiments = self.experiments_from_designs( ids, permissive=permissive) return self.measurements_from_experiments(experiments, permissive=True)
[docs] def measurements_from_challenges(self, ids, permissive=True): designs = self.designs_from_challenges( ids, permissive=permissive) return self.measurements_from_designs(designs, permissive=True)
[docs] def files_from_samples(self, ids, permissive=True): measurements = self.measurements_from_samples(ids, permissive=True) response = self.kids_from_parents( measurements, parent='measurement', parent_id='measurement_id', kid='file', kid_id='uuid', permissive=permissive) response.sort() return response
[docs] def files_from_experiments(self, ids, permissive=True): samples = self.samples_from_experiments(ids, permissive=True) response = self.files_from_samples(samples, permissive=True) response.sort() return response
[docs] def files_from_designs(self, ids, permissive=True): experiments = self.experiments_from_designs(ids, permissive=True) response = self.files_from_experiments(experiments, permissive=True) response.sort() return response
[docs] def jobs_from_any(self, ids, permissive=True): job_list = list() for coll in ('experiment', 'sample', 'measurement'): temp_list = self.kids_from_parents(ids, parent=coll, parent_id=coll + '_id', kid='pipelinejob', kid_id='uuid', permissive=True) job_list.extend(temp_list) job_list = list(set(job_list)) job_list.sort() return job_list