Source code for

import arrow
import copy
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import validators
import logging
from pprint import pprint
from datacatalog import settings
from datacatalog import linkages

from ... import identifiers
from ...tokens import get_token
from ...linkedstores.pipelinejob import DEFAULT_LINK_FIELDS
from ...linkedstores.basestore import formatChecker
from ...linkedstores.file import FileRecord, infer_filetype
from ...identifiers.typeduuid import catalog_uuid, uuid_to_hashid
from ...identifiers import interestinganimal
from .config import PipelineJobsConfig, DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_SYSTEM
from .exceptions import ManagedPipelineJobError
from .indexrequest import ArchiveIndexRequest, ProductIndexRequest
from .jobmanager import JobManager, data_merge

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# automated-process
DEFAULT_PROCESS_ID = '1176bd3e-8666-547b-bc36-25a3b62fc271'
# measurement.tacc.0x00000000
DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_ID = '10452d7e-7f0a-59df-a1a3-c5bb44e07f2f'

DEFAULT_METADATA_ARG_NAMES = ('experiment_design_id', 'experiment_id',
                              'sample_id', 'measurement_id')

[docs]class ManagedPipelineJob(JobManager): """Specialized PipelineJob that supports archiving to defined stores and deferred updates 1. ``uuid`` is assigned as hash of ``pipeline_uuid`` and ``data`` during ``setup()`` 2. ``archive_path`` is either specified in ``init()`` or generated from XXXX. The latter is the default behavior and is considered SD2 project best practice. 3. When ``archive_path`` is generated, it is "instanced" by default. This means the root of generated path will be predictable, but will include a terminal directory **adjective-animal-date** for collision avoidance. Pass ``instanced=False`` to disable this behavior. 4. A job's linkages enable discoverability of its outputs relative to the primary experimental metadata. Consequently, they are very carefully specified. A job is ``generated_by`` one computational **pipeline** and is a ``child_of`` one or more **measurements**. 5. The file contents of ``archive_path`` are directly associated with the job via a ``generated_by`` relationship after job runs to completion The ``child_of`` relationship is established when the job is initialized by looking in ``kwargs`` for and resolving into a list of measurements: (``measurement_id``, ``sample_id``, then ``experiment_id``). These can be passed either as single strings or as a list of strings. Either canonical identifiers (``measurement_id``, ``sample_id``, and ``experiment_id`` values) or their corresponding UUID5 values can be used. At least one of (experiment_id, sample_id, measurement_id) must be passed to ``init()`` to connect a job to its upstream metadata. The job's ``archive_path`` is generated as follows (if ``archive_path`` is not specified at ``init()``): It begins with a prefix `/products/v2`, to which is added a compressed version of the **pipeline** UUID. Next, the UUIDs of the metadata associations (experiment, sample, measurement) are hashed and added to the path. Finally, contents of the job's ``data`` key are serialized, hashed, and added to the path. The net result of this strategy is that each combination of pipeline, metadata linkage, and run-time parameterization can be uniquely referenced and is stored in a collision-proofed location on the storage resource. Args: mongodb (mongo.Connection): Connection to system MongoDB with write access to ``jobs`` pipelines (dict/PipelineJobsConfig): Pipelines configuration Keyword Args: experiment_id (str/list, optional): Identifier(s) for the experiment(s) to which the job is linked sample_id (str/list, optional): Identifer(s) for the sample(s) to which the job is linked measurement_id (str/list, optional): Identifier(s) for the measurement(s) to which the job is linked data (dict, optional): Defines the job's parameterization. archive_path (str, optional): Override value for automatically-generated ``archive_path`` archive_system (str, optional): Override default Agave ``archive_system`` archive_patterns (list, optional): List of ``ArchiveIndexRequest`` objects product_patterns (list, optional): List of ``ProductIndexRequest`` objects instanced (bool, optional): Should ``archive_path`` be extended with a randomized session name setup_archive_path (bool, optional): Should ``archive_path`` be created at job setup? session (str, optional): A short alphanumeric correlation string agave (agavepy.agave.Agave, optional): Active API client. Needed only to resolve references to Agave or Abaco entities. Other Parameters: agent (str, optional): Abaco actorId or Agave appId managing the pipeline archive_collection_level (str, optional): Overrides default of ``measurement`` for aggregating outputs inputs (list, optional): Data files and references being computed upon. This supplements values of ``inputs`` discovered in ``data`` generated_by: (str, optional): String UUID5 of a named process pipeline_uuid (str, optional): Overrides value of ``pipelines.pipeline_uuid`` task (str, optional): The specific instance of agent Note: Only one of (experiment_id, sample_id, measurement_id) may be be passed when initializing an instance of ManagedPipelineJob. """ PARAMS = [ ('agent', False, 'agent', None), ('task', False, 'task', None), ('session', False, 'session', None), ('data', False, 'data', {}), ('level_store', False, 'level_store', 'product'), ('archive_path', False, 'archive_path', None), ('setup_archive_path', False, 'setup_archive_path', True), ('archive_system', False, 'archive_system', DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_SYSTEM), ('archive_patterns', False, 'archive_patterns', []), ('product_patterns', False, 'product_patterns', []), ('uuid', False, 'uuid', None)] LINK_FIELDS = DEFAULT_LINK_FIELDS METADATA_ARG_NAMES = DEFAULT_METADATA_ARG_NAMES INIT_LINK_PARAMS = [('pipeline_uuid', True, 'uuid', None, 'pipeline', linkages.CHILD_OF)] COLL_PARAMS = [('measurement_id', 'measurement'), ('sample_id', 'sample'), ('experiment_id', 'experiment')] def __init__(self, mongodb, pipelines, instanced=False, agave=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ManagedPipelineJob, self).__init__(mongodb, agave=agave) # Read in additional kwargs as per PARAMS for param, required, key, default in self.PARAMS: kval = kwargs.get(param, None) if kval is None and required is True: raise ManagedPipelineJobError('Parameter "{}" is required'.format(param)) else: if kval is None: kval = default setattr(self, key, kval) # Validate passed token setattr(self, '_enforce_auth', True) # Check _*patterns against max recommended size and warn if exceeded if len(getattr(self, 'archive_patterns', [])) >= settings.MAX_INDEX_PATTERNS: self.logger.warning( "More than {} 'archive_patterns' is not recommended".format( settings.MAX_INDEX_PATTERNS)) if len(getattr(self, 'product_patterns', [])) >= settings.MAX_INDEX_PATTERNS: self.logger.warning( "More than {} 'product_patterns' is not recommended".format( settings.MAX_INDEX_PATTERNS)) # agent and task if not provided # TODO - lookup should be established in settings module if self.agent is None: setattr(self, 'agent', os.environ.get('_abaco_actor_id', None)) if self.task is None: setattr(self, 'task', os.environ.get('_abaco_execution_id', None)) self.__canonicalize_agent_and_task() # We're going to create and manage # a job so start out as cancelable self.cancelable = True # Validate pipeline configuration self.config = PipelineJobsConfig(**pipelines) # Create a session name if not provided if self.session is None: setattr(self, 'session', interestinganimal.generate(timestamp=False)) # Build archive_path and linkages from job parameterization archive_path_els = list() relations = dict() for lf in self.LINK_FIELDS: relations[lf] = list() # Establish **generated_by** linkage # # Here, we look first to pipeline_uuid parameter, then to contents # of pipeline configuration passed in to init() GEN_BY_CFG = [( 'pipeline_uuid', True, 'uuid', None, 'pipeline', linkages.GENERATED_BY)] for param, req, key, default, store, link in GEN_BY_CFG: kval = kwargs.get(param, self.config.get(param, None)) if kval is None and req is True: raise ManagedPipelineJobError('Parameter "{}" is required'.format(param)) else: if kval is None: kval = default if kval is not None: # Validates each job param against catalog resp = self.__get_stored_doc(store, key, kval) if resp is None: raise ManagedPipelineJobError( 'Failed to verify {}:{} exists in store {}'.format( param, kval, store)) else: uuidval = resp.get('uuid') setattr(self, param, uuidval) relations[link].append(uuidval) archive_path_els.append(getattr(self, 'pipeline_uuid')) # Establish **child_of** # Experiment metadata association child_of_list = list() archive_path_metadata_els = list() for param in self.METADATA_ARG_NAMES: query_ids = kwargs.get(param, None) if query_ids is not None: child_of_list = self.self_from_ids(query_ids, enforce_type=True, permissive=False) archive_path_metadata_els = copy.copy(child_of_list) break relations[linkages.CHILD_OF] = child_of_list # Serialize and hash measurement(s), then add to path elements list archive_path_els.append( uuid_to_hashid( catalog_uuid(':'.join( archive_path_metadata_els), uuid_type='generic'))) # Serialize, generate a hash, add to archive_path_els archive_path_els.append( uuid_to_hashid( catalog_uuid( self.serialize_data(), uuid_type='generic'))) # Establish linkages to named, managed files and references # # Resolve managed files from 'inputs' to UUIDs The working # assumption is that only agave-canonical URI will be present input_file_uuids = super( ManagedPipelineJob, self).self_from_inputs( kwargs.get('inputs', [])) # Identify and resolve to typed UUIDs the URIs of managed # files and references in self.inputs and data_file_uris = self.refs_from_data_dict(, store='files') data_file_uuids = super( ManagedPipelineJob, self).self_from_inputs(data_file_uris) # Reduce to the non-redudant set of file UUIDs acted_on_uuids = list( set(input_file_uuids + data_file_uuids)) # References reference_uris = self.refs_from_data_dict(, store='references') reference_uri_uuids = super(ManagedPipelineJob, self).self_from_inputs(reference_uris) # Store values in appropriate slot in "relations" relations[linkages.ACTED_ON].extend(acted_on_uuids) relations[linkages.ACTED_USING].extend(reference_uri_uuids) # Finally, set this document's linkage attributes for rel, val in relations.items(): setattr(self, rel, val) # Compute the archive path # /products/v2/pipeline_uuid/hash(child_of)/hash(data) # derived_from_hash = uuid_to_hashid(catalog_uuid(':'.join(self.derived_from), uuid_type='generic')) # archive_path_els.append(derived_from_hash) # Build out hashed version of inputs setattr(self, '_archive_path_els', archive_path_els) self.set_archive_path(instanced, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setup(self, data={}): """Finish initializing the manager Args: data (dict, optional): Override or set value for job data Returns: object: ``self`` """ init_data = getattr(self, 'data', dict()) setup_data = data_merge(init_data, data) setattr(self, 'data', setup_data) # TODO - I do not like recapitulating the schema here. Solve somehow job_document = {'pipeline_uuid': self.pipeline_uuid, 'archive_path': self.archive_path, 'archive_system': self.archive_system, 'archive_patterns': self.archive_patterns, 'product_patterns': self.product_patterns, 'data':, 'session': self.session, 'agent': self.agent, 'task': self.task, linkages.GENERATED_BY: self.generated_by, linkages.CHILD_OF: self.child_of, linkages.ACTED_ON: self.acted_on, linkages.ACTED_USING: self.acted_using} # Retrieves reference to existing job if exists job_uuid = self.stores['pipelinejob'].uuid_from_properties(job_document) new_job = self.stores['pipelinejob'].find_one_by_uuid(job_uuid) if new_job is None: new_job = self.stores['pipelinejob'].create(job_document) # Pre-create the destination archive_path # This is for Reactors must have write access to the archive_path # either because they don't delegate its creation and population to # Aloe or because they need to upload to it before various # processing tasks can proceed. if self.setup_archive_path: try: self.stores['pipelinejob']._helper.mkdir(self.archive_path, self.archive_system) except Exception: self.logger.exception('Failed to mkdir {}'.format(self.archive_path)) token = get_token(new_job['_salt'], self.stores['pipelinejob'].get_token_fields(new_job)) setattr(self, 'uuid', new_job['uuid']) setattr(self, 'job', new_job) setattr(self, 'token', token) self.set_callbacks() return self
[docs] def set_callbacks(self): """Establish the web service callbacks for the job """ setattr(self, 'callback', self.build_webhook()) return self
[docs] def build_webhook(self): """Return a webhook to update this job via web callback Sending **event** messages over HTTP POST to this webhook will result in the ``jobs-manager`` Reactor making managed updates to this job's state. Returns: str: A callback URL """ try: uri = '{}/actors/v2/{}/messages?x-nonce={}&token={}&uuid={}&session={}'.format( self.api_server, self.config['job_manager_id'], self.config['job_manager_nonce'], self.token, self.uuid, self.session) # Sanity check - was a valid URL assembled? validators.url(uri) return uri except KeyError: self.logger.exception('Missing values in build_webhook') return None except Exception: raise
[docs] def agave_notifications(self): """Returns a minimal set of Agave job notifications """ hook = self.build_webhook() notifications = [ { "event": "RUNNING", "persistent": True, "url": hook + "&status=${JOB_STATUS}", }, { "event": "FINISHED", "persistent": False, "url": hook + "&status=FINISHED", }, { "event": "FAILED", "persistent": False, "url": hook + "&status=${JOB_STATUS}", } ] return notifications
def __repr__(self): reprvals = list() for param in ['uuid', 'pipeline_uuid', 'data', linkages.CHILD_OF, linkages.GENERATED_BY, linkages.ACTED_ON, linkages.ACTED_USING]: val = getattr(self, param, None) if isinstance(val, list): val = str(val) reprvals.append('{} : {}'.format(param, val)) reprvals.append('archive_uri: ' + self.archive_uri()) return '\n'.join(reprvals) def __canonicalize_agent_and_task(self): """Extend simple text ``agent`` and ``task`` into REST URIs """ oagent = getattr(self, 'agent', None) otask = getattr(self, 'task', None) if oagent is not None: # Agave appID if identifiers.agave.appid.validate(oagent, permissive=True): agent = self.canonicalize_app(oagent) else: # TODO: Validate abaco actorid agent = self.canonicalize_actor(oagent) setattr(self, 'agent', agent) if otask is not None: # TODO: Replace with identifiers.agave.uuids.validate('job', task) if otask.endswith('-007'): task = self.canonicalize_app(otask) else: # TODO: Validate abaco execid task = self.canonicalize_execution(oagent, otask) setattr(self, 'task', task) return self
[docs] def canonicalize_actor(self, actor_id): api = getattr(self, 'api_server') return api + '/actors/v2/' + actor_id
[docs] def canonicalize_execution(self, actor_id, exec_id): resp = self.canonicalize_actor(actor_id) + '/executions/' + exec_id return resp
[docs] def canonicalize_app(self, app_id): api = getattr(self, 'api_server') return api + '/apps/v2/' + app_id
[docs] def canonicalize_system(self, system_id): api = getattr(self, 'api_server') return api + '/systems/v2/' + system_id
[docs] def canonicalize_job(self, job_id): api = getattr(self, 'api_server') return api + '/jobs/v2/' + job_id
[docs] def set_archive_path(self, instanced=True, level_store='product', *args, **kwargs): """Sets the document's archive_path """ if 'archive_path' in kwargs: ap = kwargs.get('archive_path') else: ap = self.get_archive_path(instanced, *args, **kwargs) setattr(self, 'archive_path', ap) return self
[docs] def get_archive_path(self, instanced=True, *args, **kwargs): """Computes and returns the document's archive_path """ path_elements = ['/', 'products', 'v2'] path_elements.extend(getattr(self, '_archive_path_els', [])) archive_path = os.path.join(*path_elements) # Compress path by removing any UUID dash characters archive_path = archive_path.replace('-', '') if instanced is True: archive_path = os.path.join( archive_path, self.instanced_directory( getattr(self, 'session'))) return archive_path
# def serialize_data(self): # """Serializes into a minified string # """ # return json.dumps(getattr(self, 'data', {}), # sort_keys=True, # separators=(',', ':'))
[docs] def instanced_directory(self, session=None): """Extend a path with an instanced directory name Args: session (str, optional): Short alphanumeric session string Returns: str: The new instance directory name """ if session is None or len(session) < 4: return identifiers.interestinganimal.generate() if not session.endswith('-'): session = session + '-' return session + arrow.utcnow().format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss') + 'Z'
def __get_stored_doc(self, store, key, val): return self.stores[store].coll.find_one({key: val})
[docs] def refs_from_data_dict(self, data={}, store='files'): """Find agave-canonical URI from data dicts Discover late-bound links to files and references from the contents of ``inputs`` and ``parameters`` keys in a ``data`` dictionary. Args: data (dict): A data dictionary store (string, optional): Which store to resolve against (files|references) Returns: list: Discovered list of managed file- or reference URIs """ refs = list() if store == 'files': patterns = {'URI': re.compile('(^agave:\/\/([a-z0-9-A-Z_-])+)?/(uploads|products)/'), 'FileStore': re.compile('/uploads/|/products/')} elif store == 'references': patterns = {'URI': re.compile('(^agave:\/\/([a-z0-9-A-Z_-])+)?/reference/|^(http:|https:)'), 'FileStore': re.compile('/reference/')} else: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid value for parameter "store"'.format(store)) # Process dict or list form of 'inputs' inputs = data.get('inputs', None) # Agave case if isinstance(inputs, dict): for iname in list(inputs.keys()): fname = inputs[iname] if not patterns['URI'].search(fname): # TODO - pick up default from global config fname = 'agave://data-sd2e-community' + fname if fname not in refs: refs.append(fname) elif isinstance(inputs, list): for fname in inputs: if patterns['URI'].search(fname): if fname not in refs: refs.append(fname) # Process parameters dict params = data.get('parameters', None) if isinstance(params, dict): for pname in list(params.keys()): fname = params[pname] # Grab all agave:// references if patterns['URI'].search(fname) and fname not in refs: refs.append(fname) continue elif patterns['FileStore'].search(fname): fname = 'agave://data-sd2e-community' + fname if fname not in refs: refs.append(fname) continue return refs