TA4 Pipeline Job Status¶
This dashboard provides real-time status update of individual experiment request submission, data uploads, metadata validation, ETL processing and links to data products in a tabular format for deep dive.
Data Fields Included¶
- The dashboard populates the following columns for each experiment run when data is available:
- experiment_id
- experiment_reference, with link to the experiment request GoogleDoc
- protocol
- OvNgt (overnight growth period)
- Recov Lps (recovery loops)
- SR path, which is a link to the structured request JSON document
- Submitted date/time
- Uploaded date/time
- path (for uploaded data), which is a link to the uploaded lab trace
- Converted date/time, where conversion is for transforming the lab trace into the standardized format
- path (for converted lab trace), which is a link to the standardized lab trace
- mtypes, a summary of measurement types included in the uploaded data (P - PLATEREADER, F - FLOW, R - RNASeq, D - DNASeq, C - CFU)
- Comp passed, a boolean showing if the lab trace has passed the metadata validation
- Annotated, a boolean showing if controls have been annotated in the standardized lab trace
- date/time (for annotation)
- path (for annotation), which is a link to the annotated lab trace
- Ingest date/time, for when data is loaded into the catalog
- database, mongodb database name for the catalog
- FLOW color_model, flow ETL run using TASBE on a mini dataset for checkout the color model
- date/time (for flow color_model run)
- archive_path (for flow color_model run)
- FLOW whole_dataset, flow ETL run using TASBE on the whole dataset
- date/time (for flow whole_dataset run)
- archive_path (for flow whole_dataset run)
- RNA-seq qc_metadata
- date/time (for RNA-seq qc_metadata run)
- input_gff (for RNA-seq)
- archive_path (for RNA-seq)
- obs_load date/time, for when observation catalog was last run
- path (for obs_load)
How to use the dashboard¶
- Use the search widget to search for experiment(s) for a given experiment reference, experiment_id, comp passed using substring or full text
- Click a column header to sort the records by that column
- Hover the mouse over a link to view the corresponding URL
- Click on the experiment reference link for an experiment to view the experiment request document
- Click the SR path link to view the structure request document when available
- Click an archive_path link to view content contained in the archive_path folder